the marriage of draco-egg and car

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I found a car. It was so so beautiful 😍

"WOAH! THIS IS THE MOST PRETTY CAR IVE EVER SEEN! FUCK CHOCOMILLIE! ILL MARRY THIS HOTTIE!" said draco and cut chocomillie's photo in two pieces

"Holy cow draco-egg!" I said "Can I host the wedding pleeaaaasseee?"

"Yes y/n you can" he answered.

"Oh great! Get into the car to drive at a church!" I say and draco-egg does so.

We drive at a nearby church. It was so beautiful 😍. The design is just amazing!

 The design is just amazing!

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The wedding begun

"Draco-egg Malferret do you take carweel carcar (yeah thats the name of the car) as your wife?" I said

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"Draco-egg Malferret do you take carweel carcar (yeah thats the name of the car) as your wife?" I said

"Yes I do" said draco

"Carweel carcar do you take draco-egg malferret as your husband?"

"Vroum vroum" said carweel

"Is that a yes?" I ask

She doesn't answer

"Is that a no?"

"Vroum" and she jumped over a nearby window


Dobby x reader x umbridge | very smexy😩Where stories live. Discover now