Chapter 39

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The next morning comes and goes quickly. I'm in somewhat of a happy mood after finding out that I can go ahead with my termination like I had planned. I'm scared at the same time, but happy becuase I know I won't be pregnant for much longer. All I have to do is go and see Dr. Reyes after work today and she'll deal with everything and tell me what I need to do for the termination.

That's one of the reasons I'm in happy mood.

The other is merely because Kent told me that Chris would be getting the divorce papers served to him during work hours. He offered to have someone from his office deliver them and because only three of us in the office actually know what's happening, you can beat that none of us will be leaving the building until we've seen the papers being delivered.

My neatly pulled back hair falls over one of my shoulders as I step back into my office from the balcony. I've been needing some fresh air after working my ass off all morning. It's been the only time I've had to myself to think about the next stage in my life.

After today, there's no going back on anything that I do. Anything that's done from here on out will be because I want it to happen. I won't be hiding anymore because I'm sick of it. I don't want to keep secrets and for the short time I've been doing that, it's been fun.

I've had my fun but now I need to grow up.

"Abbey," Andrea says loudly, getting my attention to her as soon as I've closed the door leading out to the balcony.


"It's time," she half smiles.

I nod and take a deep breath.

It's time.

I walk over to where Andrea's standing just outside my opened office door. I fold my arms over my chest and lean against the door frame. I take a quick note of how everyone in the office is reacting to the male dressed from head-to-toe in black (black suit, black shirt, black tie, and black shiny shoes) standing before Chris who's standing by Josh's desk.

Everything's quiet and if you had to drop a box of pins, you've hear every single one of them hit the floor. All work has stopped and you can hear every single word that's being said to Chris.

"Christopher Benton?" The male asks.

"Yes," Chris answers, uncertainty in his voice. "Do you-"

"I don't have an appointment."

"Then I'm afraid that I can't-"

The male reaches into his black leather briefcase that's sitting on Josh's desk and pulls an A4 sized white envelope out of it. He holds the envelope out to Chris who looks at it with narrowed eyes.

"You've bee served," the male simply tells him.

"Served?" Chris repeats after the male closes his briefcase. "Served for what?"

The male picks his briefcase up. "Maybe it has something to do with you cheating on your wife." He shrugs and turns on the spot. "Maybe she just wants a divorce." He starts walking and shrugs. "Maybe it's all of the above."

I have to somehow stop myself from smiling like a loony and laughing my head off. Oh, that was worth the wait. I can hear Andrea scoff and have to turn my attention to the floor as a way to try and stop myself from laughing out loud.

 "Andrea, calm it." I mutter loud enough for only her to hear.

"Excuse me," she says before slipping past me to go into my office.

I look into my office at her as she laughs with a hand clamped over her mouth. That's all it takes before my laughter reaches the surface. But as I don't want any more attention on me than there already is, I step into the office and close the door over.

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