1 I info and looks

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-', basic information;

name ~
彡 Jessica violet Abrams

nicknames ~
彡 jay, whatever people
want to call me lol

birthdate ~
彡 06.06.1992

birthplace ~
彡 born and raised cornwall, UK

race ~
彡 colombian-british

sexuality ~
彡 bisexual

languages ~
彡 english, french and spanish

voice ~
彡 british accent

age ~
彡 28

zodiac ~
彡 gemini

facial details;-_ _____________

facial structure ~
彡 resembles face claims - sofia carson

jawline ~
彡 more defined

side profile ~
彡 10/10 would go trending on tiktok

resting face ~
彡 looks like i'm in deep thought, a bit bitchy

skin ~
彡 not dry, not oily. healthy looking and clear with no acne or pimples. nice freckles and natural blush

lips ~
彡 more plumper than what i have now never dry and always moisturised

nose ~
彡 mainly my nose in my cr

eye details;-_ ____________
eyebrows ~
彡 naturally well groomed, look like my eyebrows in cr but more kept-together

eye color ~
彡 brown with specks of

eyelashes ~
彡 naturally very long

vision ~
彡 i have perfect 20/20 vision.

hair detail;-_ ____________

hair ~
彡 brown, soft and never greasy. my hair barely gets messy or frizzy. it's straight.

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body hair ~ 彡 i won't have armpit, leg, or 🐱 hair, so i really never have to shave

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body hair ~
彡 i won't have armpit, leg, or 🐱 hair, so i really never have to shave

body detail;-_ ____________

body odor ~
彡 my body naturally smells like vanilla and fresh-baked cookies

body ~
彡 slim and slender, yet i have a slightly curvy waist and a good but

- height;
i will be 5'5
when i arrive i will be 114 lbs and i will stay around that weight

posture ~
彡 perfect, my head is always up and i'm never slouched

nails ~
彡 naturally long and clean, no hangnails or cuticles, always painted black or white i don't bite them

oral hygiene and smile;-_ ____________________

smile ~
彡 big and beautiful, i have dimples

teeth ~
彡 perfect and straight, nice and white and if i forget to brush my teeth once in a while it is fine because they will stay healthy no matter what

breath ~
彡 always smells like mint since i carry gum around wherever i go ———————————

overall;-_ _________
I'm pale, dirty blonde hair, blueish-gray eyes, 5'5, 120 lbs, cookie smell, nice teeth

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