Make Me Lose Control

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"What?" Alex asks in return.

"You act like a jerk in front of everyone when I'm not around, they hate you already as it is," I tell him. I never understand why he acts like that. I want people to like him and to see him how I see him.

"So? What?" he asks while I stand with an annoyed look on my face and my arms crossed. He just walks away when I don't respond to him.

All of Bailey's interns are now standing in front of the locker room where Bailey is blocking us off from entering. Meredith is the only one inside. "Meredith are you okay?" George asks.

"Just zip," Bailey says while putting her hand over George's mouth, "Just zip," she says while handing a cart to Alex. "Dr. Karev stick with the ETS case and Alex her blushing impulse is not a toy for you to play with or a button for you to push. Do you understand?" Bailey asks him.

"Hey Meredith, you know um my great grandmother, she died with Alzheimer's," Cristina interrupts Bailey.

"Why would you say that to her right now?" Izzie asks her with wide eyes. Izzie starts twirling her hair.

"Look, I'm just trying to help out here a little bit," Cristina says. I really don't think that was the way to do it.

"Rachel, the Dr. Shepherd's need an intern up in the NICU," Bailey tells me.

"Wait, both of them? To... gether..., and be by myself with the two married people who hate each other?" I ask Bailey while nervously biting my lip so much that I start tasting blood.

"Go," Bailey orders. I run off, nervous, still tasting the blood in my mouth from my lip. I arrive at the NICU where Derek is going over the baby's chart. Addison and I are watching over the baby who is surrounded by a glass encasing. This is the woman I saw that night talking to Meredith and Derek, but I never had met or talked to her before right now.

"Where's the mother?" Derek asks Addison.

"Gone. She stuck around long enough to get the kid strung off and then took off. Pretty nice, huh?" Addison asks him sarcastically.

"Addison!" he yells. After this point I honestly started tuning both of them out. Their arguing over every little thing was so unnecessary, especially since it is Derek's fault. He's putting all of the blame on Addison.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm just going to leave now. I'll go check on the labs for you both," I tell them before walking out of the NICU. Thank god, their fighting is on my last nerve today. I decided to use the stairs after leaving. Walking down the stairs in heels isn't an easy job, but I'm pretty used to it by now. I hear footsteps so I turn around and it's Alex catching up to me.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey?" I ask.

"Whoa, wait, wait," Alex says, trying to stand in front of me.

"What?" I ask, nervous there's something on my scrub top. I stop walking and Alex pulls an eyelash off of my face. I didn't even realize it was there.

"You just had an eyelash, Rachel. Make a wish and blow it away," Alex says while putting the eyelash in the palm of his hand. I smile and close my eyes, but when I go to blow it away I hear more footsteps and Alex starts talking to somebody, so I forget about it. "Hey Nurse Ratched, there's a dead guy stinking up Room 41 25. Do something about it before he rots!" he yells at her. I walk away fast, it's actually embarrassing that he talks to people like that. He catches up to me again and follows me down the hall.

"See Alex? This is exactly what I'm talking about from earlier," I tell him. I'm angry he just talked to a nurse like that.

"Come on Rach," he argues.

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