To The School

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The apartment is set up now, pot is ready, food that can be out, is out, meats in the fridge. I clap for myself cuz no one is there to judge me. Blinking up at the clock, the time reads 4:30. Their practice should be over by now.

I grab a jacket this time and step into my sneakers. Smacking my pockets to make sure I have what I need, I step out the door. Closing it behind me, I jog over to the stairs and make my way down.

Making my way downtown,

Walking fast

Faces pass and I'm school bound.

Doo doo doo do do do doo

I'm humming this mind you, lyrics in my head. I ain't about to sing on a busy sidewalk, no thank you.

Ba da da bum bum bum bum

And I need you

Ba da da bum bum bum bum

And I miss you

Ba da da bum bum bum bum

And now I won—derrrr

There's the school.

I weave through the parking lot and up onto the sidewalk. Rounding the front of the school I walk towards the gym and wave. Because lo' and behold, they're out before me. The triplets with widely varying personalities stand with their respective friends and the one a year younger plays hopscotch within their eyesight. I'm so proud. They've grown so much from when they came a year ago.

Corvus spots me first and sprints from his game, backpack threatening to fall off with the sheer speed of his take-off. I brace for impact with my arms open wide. He crashes into me and I smile, squeezing him just as tightly. The triplets turn in unison to scold him, but they spot me and just grin.

The trio wave their goodbyes and run over as well. They each get their own hug and we turn to head home.

The roar of a motorcycle stops us.

Not My Love Story. Right?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα