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The lengths I go for a good Americano.

You see, today wasn't a particularly pleasant or unpleasant day. It was just, one of those days I suppose. Let me tell you, I have tried the Americano from every remotely coffee-related shop in the city. Sure, our city isn't the biggest but that's besides the point. The point is, I've gone everywhere and every shop has proven to be —

Just an utter disappointment.

It honestly shouldn't be this hard. It's a decent espresso with a massive dose of water. Of course, when I put it that way it sounds rather easy and I shouldn't be complaining. Which is fair, but I've been spoiled for far too long by Jes's godsend of an Americano. I'm not even a true coffee lover, but something about the way Jes makes the Americano is pure bliss. Heck, I've even tried her other coffee creations and haven't hated them. Yet.

Anyways, back to what I was saying. I've wandered all over the city, using up so many of my precious gap year days just to find something remotely close to Jes's and found nothing.

I'm walking around, alone, on this average sort of day. The sun is out and shining down on the cracked sidewalk and blinding me as it hits that stop sign, but it's cold, like unnecessarily cold. The hoodie I yanked on this morning is not nearly enough and I've since pulled the hood up and tucked my hands into its pockets. I'm pretty sure the elderly population believes I'm up to no good with my cap, hood up, black mask combo. I have proof of this mind you.

I jogged past a park a few blocks back and waved at a little girl. She was sitting on the swings and giggling. When she spotted me she obviously waved back because she's a friendly child, obviously. Her grandma who was on the bench a few meters away immediately frowned in my direction and called the little girl away from the swings. Like, c'mon. I'm not gonna rob a penniless child. I've got more brains than that. I'd obviously rob the grandma.

. . .

Kidding I promise. I'm not a robber. Yet. That university debt hasn't attacked so far, so I'm fine. Anyways, that grandma and little girl left the park right after. The grandma was constantly glancing back at me as if I was going to stalk them. Psh.

So, I'm *still* looking for my anti-depresso espresso, elderly people deem me a hazard to society and I think that's a paint stain on my jeans. I don't talk very much mind you, but since you seem to want to read about my life I suppose I have to. I've jumped around quite a bit so let me bring you back to the present.

I'm standing at a crosswalk, waiting for the light change. Behind me is a cute flower shop, which, now that I think about it, usually leads to a quaint little —

Oh my god.

It's a bloody hole in the wall, cottage core decorated, cozy little COFFEE SHOP.

Of all the odds. It has one of those covering thingies that has the name of the shop on the flap. Coffee N' Sweets in gold calligraphy. The front of the shop is 90% window and instead of those neon open signs it has one of those chalkboard stands with "open" flourished across the top. There's a wooden bench off to the side and some lil plants.

Oh! Light change.

I take a little hop off the sidewalk and start walking along the white line to reach the other side, cuz I am definitely going into that shop. Cuz why not? I have time and it looks almost too good to be true.


As I near the other side, the sudden roar of a motorcycle engine comes from down the street. I look back and immediately leap the extra metre onto the sidewalk because someone speeding on their frickin' motorcycle comes barreling around the corner almost running all 5 metres and 4 inches of me into the pavement. They disappear around the corner and it's not like I can do anything about it so whatever. Standing up again has led me to discover more paint stains running up my left thigh and wow, doesn't that say something about me. Laundry day? Washing clothes? Nope, I suppose I just haven't washed these yet cuz I was working with pastel colours a week ago.

I finally make it into the café and spot the sad little hiring sign dangling in the corner. Odd. Anyway, I meander over to the counter and luckily there is no one in line. I pull my hood down and tug my cap off for a quick hair fix, too many bits getting in my eyes jeez.

"Hello there! What can I get you?"

"Americano please."

The barista behind the counter smiles and punches in the order.

"Can I interest you in one of our pastries? They're just fresh out of the oven!"

I open my mouth to refuse politely when my stomach decides to remind me that breakfast was damn near 6 hours ago. She giggles, and I guess she hasn't dealt with too many dumbasses today since she offers a recommended pastry at half off.

"Sure, thanks."

She adds the pastry to my order and reads out the total. I hand her the cash and she makes a quick look behind me before going to grab my order. Damn, a seat opened up and I want it. I look for the barista again and when she makes eye contact I do a half-wave and gesture kind of awkwardly at the table. She nods in understanding and gives a quick thumbs up. I nod my head in thanks and scoot over.

After sitting down I scope out the place and find that there weren't too many people paying attention to that weird exchange thank gosh. I pull out my phone and check for a Wi-Fi connection.

Score! Free Wi-Fi, nice.

I snap a picture of the sad hiring sign and send it to Jes.

Jessie J 😘: ( Oo! Where? )

Teddster 😎: ( Across from that flower shop )

( Dey got noice coloured roses btw )

Jessie J 😘: ( Actually? Ive been looking for them!! )

Teddster 😎: ( Why'd'ya think I mention 'em? )

Jessie J 😘: ( Rude )

( Anyways, coffee shop? Any good? )

Teddster 😎: ( Dunno, haven't eaten yet )

Jessie J 😘: ( Address address address )

Teddster 😎: ( Hang on hang on )

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