Part 9- The Escape

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The big day was here and everyone was packing up to go find their new safe place. All guards surrounded the other players while they went to the 3rd Floor, where the portal lies. After reaching floor 2, there stood the furry defenders. They were blocking the way to the portal.

"Hey! What are you doing?", A guard said, as they gripped onto their gun.
"W-We won't let you through! The furries our friends and we can't leave them!", a robloxian said wearing cat ears.
"Then you just stay here while WE leave.", Omar said as he took a step forward.
"Take one more step and we'll make you join them!", a furry defender shouted.

Nobody made a move for 5 seconds until one of the guards slightly shuffled towards them.

"NOW!", one of them said as furries pop out from the other rooms and grabbing players. The entire 2nd floor was a giant war zone, people shooting left and right, pipes being swung. Omar and Warped fought against the oncoming furries and had to murder a couple of the furry defenders. One stood out of them all, the one with the cat ears. Both of them had a intense staring competition before going in hand to hand combat. Both swung at eachother and kept dodging, it lasted for 7 minutes until Omar grabbed them and Omar threw them onto the glass furry safezone.

The glass broke and they crashed onto the fake grass within the safe zone. Omar walked up to them as they tried to get away, Omar picked them up by their shirt and stared them deeply.
"Tell me, why'd you do this.", Omar asked.
"Y-You robloxians should of joined!", the cat ear follower said, "The furries will get you one day!"
Omar sighed and said, "This is why you should of apologised."

Omar pulls out a pistol from his pocket and points it at the followers head.
"Any last words?"
The follower started laughing, and so Omar shot them in the head, leaving them dead on the grass ground. Omar turned back to see the mighty fight was done, most robloxian survived the war and they celebrated by drinking a couple bloxy colas. Warped ran to Omar and hugged him, in the middle of the celebration.
"W-Woah! This is unexpected-", Omar said as he was pretty getting hugged to death.
Warped told him, "Dude! I thought you were a goner! But you had this cool fight and-"
"Hey, Hey. Calm down, let's go to the portal and celebrate in the new cafe base.", Omar replied to the confused robloxian. After the celebration, all of them went up to the portal. They turned the portal on and the portal emitted a red colour, the taste of freedom is a couple steps away. Omar took a breathe in, and walked in the portal.

An end to this chapter, and now opening to a new one.

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