"what happened?" Doc ask.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing. he came storming out of here a few hours ago. he went and hid in his room at the Cozy Cone, then suddenly he came out and sped off in his car. said he was training." Mack frowned.

"I went off on him earlier because he was playing 'twenty questions' and 'how many things can I ask Doc while his head hurts' and I wasn't playing." Doc grumbled. he sighed. "he was trying to say something or ask something and I snapped at him." Doc added, feeling guilty.

"huh." Mack frowned.

"get his car fixed. I'll deal with the kid." Doc said. Mack nodded hesitantly and left. Doc waited silently in the kitchen sitting at the table, waiting for Lightning to wake up. about twenty minutes after getting Lightning back to the house, he whimpered softly and groaned. Doc stood and poked his head into the living room. Lightning moved a little bit, before something seemed to click. he sat up screaming and looked around. "kid its okay." Doc said walking over. he knelt in front of Lightning gently. "hey, Lightning, it's alright." Doc assured. Lightning looked around before his eyes landed on Doc as he panted.

"b-but... I... I was.... the, my car-" Lightning sputtered.

"breathe kid. it's okay. you're not in the car." Doc soothed. Lightning relaxed a little, nodding.

"okay." he mumbled.

"what were you thinking?" Doc ask.

"I needed to think. I think better when I drive." Lightning mumbled quietly, sounding slightly ashamed of himself.

"think about what kid?" Doc ask. Lightning shook his head at him, refusing to answer the question. "well. you totaled the front end of your car, so you're stuck with the Hornet until its fixed." Doc said standing. Lightning nodded a little. it was quiet a moment before Doc sighed. "look Lightning, I'm sorry I snapped earlier, when my head hurt. what was it you wanted?" Doc ask.

"I don't remember." Lightning said immediately, not looking at Doc. that was a lie and both of them knew it.

"kid, come on, spit it out." Doc murmured. Lightning shook his head.

"I can't remember." Lightning repeated. so the kid was scared to tell him now. Doc frowned, sitting on the couch.

"kid, whatever it is you had to tell me, there's no reason to lie to me and say you can't remember." Doc said. Lightning sat up, pulling himself away from the older man. Doc raised an eye brow, why was the kid putting distance between them? "kid?" Doc ask.

"I remembered the wreck. I can remember the sounds and the smells. I can remember the feelings... the pain..." Lightning murmured. Doc nodded and looked at him.

"yeah I remember that from my wreck." Doc said. of course he remembered a lot from Lightnings wreck too, but he wouldn't say that. he would never admit to the man beside him how afraid he'd been.

"do you remember what you thought your last thought would ever be? or your biggest regret?" Lightning ask, looking over. Doc frowned and sighed a little.

"yeah... I thought my last thought would be 'I can't believe this is how I die. after all that stupid shit I did.' and my last regret..." Doc trailed before chuckling softly. "I never finished college. I dropped out before I became a doctor." Doc said, looking over at Lightning with a small smile. Lightning didn't smile though, seemingly thinking. "what was yours kid?" Doc ask. that had to be what this was all about after all.

"I thought about what would happen to you guys. my friends. especially Mater and Mack..." Lightning said. Doc nodded and watched him a moment, but the younger didn't speak again.

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