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You don't know why, but you were invisibly dreading the time when Sunday's busy patrol day seeped into the sunlight that was Monday morning. You managed to catch Keigo just as he rushed out before the sun rose for his meeting, and he was in such a hurry that he didn't give you a passing kiss. Instead, you were left with puckered lips and droopy eyes.

It was hard for you to go back to sleep afterward, so you sat at the couch, curtains open, and watched the sunrise while you filed through emails that were mostly from fans. After responding to a few, you started work. Firstly, you scroll through an email from UA, reminding you that your housing contract would be coming to an end, and if you wanted to keep your apartment, you had to start payments. Usually, it wouldn't be a problem, but you wish you had Keigo next to you to help guide this decision.

You can see yourself living in this high-up penthouse with Keigo for the rest of your life, but it'd bring you no security. Relationships are brittle, and you haven't known him long enough to place the whole of your trust in this romance. So, for now, you let yourself push the email to the side, wanting to bring it up with him tonight once he got home.

You type and scroll until your fingers are stiff, and you're so focused, that you don't even realize what time snuck up on you.

Touya's usually a late riser, but today he's out of bed just before 11.

There's a cigarette between his lips as he walks into the living room, shirtless and hair flat to his head. It's the way he slept - straight on his back, that flattened the volume, but you think it's endearing.

"Scared the shit out of me." He mumbles, and you turn around to watch him walk right past you.

"Good morning. Do you want some breakfast?"

He doesn't answer, but he does take the cigarette from his lips, showing you his nutritious choice for the morning. You scoff. "I got it covered."

Touya steps out onto the balcony, not bothering to close the door behind him as he lights the smoke with his fingertip. You didn't know much about his quirk at all - in fact, he never talks about it, so neither do you. You just watch the end of the cigarette burn blue before morphing into a familiar shade of crimson.

You watch him take a few hits - envying the vapor as it seeps from his nose and lips. His eyes are closed, and he looks dutifully at peace.

"I'm at home all day today." You start, closing the lid of your laptop and crossing your legs. He gives you attention with a single nod, taking a drag before answering.

"Wanna go on a date or something?"

"Dates are a little out of my league. I've been pulling attention in public, lately."

"How about that little peak on campus? Is that fortified enough for you?" He doesn't sound like he's mad at you, just that he's slightly snarky in his nature.

"I'm sorry you have to tiptoe around my persona." You rush to earn his good graces back, but all he does is smile as a gust of wind blows smoke into the living room.

"Chill, it was a joke."

"I know, I know." You play it as cool as you possibly could, instead focusing on his face and not the way his chest glistens in the morning light. "We can go for a few hours. Should probably walk, though, so I can get some training in today."

"Do you ever just... I don't know... relax?"

"You know what? I'd love to, but I can't. I'd feel like shit the next day."

He laughs, dropping the smoked-down butt on the floor to crush under his shoe before kicking it off of the ledge. "You heroes..."

"You seem to like them a whole lot if you're living with two of them."

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