"I'm her friend. Just trying to keep her safe as best I can," Lev says steadily. I would applaud him for his confidence to speak to Sinful as if he isn't a powerful immortal who could kill us at any moment, if the Sin wasn't surveying us so pointedly.

"Fascinating," Sinful drawls, suddenly no longer interested in the matters going on between us, shifting his attention back to me. "So you are Cian's lover then, Amolet?"

I freeze, the words hitting me square in the chest.

"Sinful. It's good to see you," the sound of Cian's voice washes over me, distracting Sinful from the question he just asked. Cian approaches from the other end of the foyer, hands in his pockets, looking between the three of us. I can't help but wonder if Cian heard Sinful's accusation...If he is amused by it, or perhaps disgusted.

"Cian. What perfect timing," Sinful claps his hands together. "Shall we all sit down and talk?"

Cian nods, expression blank, eyes dark. "That's what we came here for."

Sinful grins, before grasping my wrist tightly, and then Lev's, nodding at Cian. I open my mouth to protest, but it's too late, Cian's eyes the last thing I see before the world disappears around me. The feeling of falling only lasts a moment, before my feet are touching the ground again, and I'm able to open my eyes.

It's still nighttime, but we are no longer at Sinful's estate. Instead, my feet balance on a large rock, a few steps away, a natural hot spring is nestled within the nature that surrounds us. I have no idea where we are.

Cian appears a moment later, looking around with equal confusion. Sinful, mercifully, has let go of Lev and I, stepping around the edge of the hot pool, steam drifting up around him. I can feel the heat emanating off the water...It's a glorious feeling, but no one that is going to make me lower my guard.

Sinful gestures to the pool. "You all look like you could release some...tension."

"We aren't dressed appropriately," I mutter sourly.

"That can easily be remedied," Sinful murmurs, looking toward his brother. "Cian, why don't you choose what we wear?"

"I thought you being finally mated would stop you from being the most irritating person I know," Cian mutters coldly, shoving his hands in his pants again. I look at Sinful, wondering where his mate is, who his mate is.

"I'm still Lust," he smirks. "How about naked?"

Cian shakes his head, not looking amused. Usually Cian doesn't shy away from pushing someone to the edge of their paitence, so clearly there is something about Sinful that really gets under his skin. "You invited us here, Sinful..."

"Fine," Sinful rolls his eyes. "I look for a moment's entertainment and I get crucified for it."

Sinful waves his hands again, and suddenly we are all dressed in swimming clothes, my original clothes having vanished into thin air. I blink, unsure if I should be offended or not at the very intrusive magic Sinful used to essentially change us into completely different clothing.

When I look up from examining myself, Sinful has stepped into the hot pool, motioning at us. "Join me."

Cian nods, his bare torso exposed, causing me to have to look away, but it's too late, the imagine of him branded into my mind. He's built like he works a physical job, the muscular structure of his body impressive. I can't let thoughts like that haunt me though...Not right now, and not with Lev right beside me.

"We wanted to speak to you about something serious," Cian starts, once we are all seated in the warm water, watching each other through the steam.

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