(I couldn't find a 5 minute crafts on how to point finger guns at someone flirtatiously so this is gonna have to do)

He laughs to himself and brings his hand up.

he has left

Now it was just The Y/N and you

just sorta standing there

She's now staring at you

you stare back

"Sooo haha, I kinda have a thing to get to so uh, byE" You attempt to leave, as you were about to run The Y/N opens her mouth "Hold on a second y/n, don't think your gonna escape so easily, I know what your planning" her voice turned a much deeper tone and actually sounded normal instead of a high pitched squeak she did all the time. You weren't having any of her Y/N business so you decided to throw in a rad nifty trick, "Well actually The Y/N, I have zero idea what you're speaking of and also...Its spelt you're" She got big boi mad and and pouted for a few seconds, only stopping because you were cringing at her. "UGH, YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT Y/N, STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY PRECIOUS JACK-KUN FROM ME" The Y/N yelled at the top of her lungs, the people passing by stopped a little or walked slower because they were nosy and wanted to know what was causing such a commotion. You felt embarrassed for The Y/N but she didn't really seem to notice all the noise she was making. After a while she stopped yelling to catch her breath, putting her hands on her knees and leaning down a bit, her five-head almost touching the dirty sidewalk.

Since she's catching her breath she wont be able to catch me right? hehe

You full blown sprinted away. You pushed through the crowd of people who had been slow-walking in order to hear the argument while whining out the the words "EXCUSE MEEEE". The Y/N looked at you, thrown for a loop, as you were running away.

The weeks worth of take out started to pile up on you. Now starting to pant, feeling the dry air circulate through your lungs, you slow down.

You managed to lose The Y/N with your kool legs that you happen to grow all by yourself.

Now slowly dragging yourself to your apartment, you greet some people out in the front.

"Hey, y/n! Do you still not have someone to take home? ahaha loser" Kyle shouts out to you

friken Kyle

You smile over to Kyle while responding "Hey Kyle! Do you still not have anything better to do with your time then sit out in the front of your apartment complex which I've weirdly never seen you enter and try to bring me doWn?........cuz im onllllyyyy hummaaaaaaaaannnn and I bleeeeeeddddd wheeeen I fallll downnnnn cuz im oooonlllyy humannnnnnn"

Kyle was immediately intimidated and ran away while screaming.

What he was screaming is a something only Carl Azuz can comprehend.

Now speeding up towards the building, you proceed to take the stairs, since you cant afford an apartment with an elevator, up the highest level which was level 4...

Once up level 4, you reach down to both of your pockets and take out your keys.

You pull out the Ram-Pro Spiral and the Key-Bak Securit, one key chain for each pocket.

To follow your past actions, you pick your favorite one and use it to open your creaky door. Once you close the door, memories of the day flood back to you at a fast pace.

Woah....I just wanted some food , grabbed an application for a job, almost killed an elderly lady with a fry, helped that lady, met a puppy called French fry, met the hot/gorgeous/smexy/fine/idsowantthemtobringmetothehotelmotelholidayinn lookin' owner who I'd let do anything they wanted to m- uhh what was thaaaatttt whos going inside my head and changing my thoughhhttsss, anyways moving on, I also met a......person......yeah, ran away from said person, and got home.

pretty much a good Thursday

Lying on your bed you began to grow tired...

Letting the day flood past your eyelids......not to sure what will happen the next day


Hello :)))) I'm sorry for not updating for quite a while. I lost lots of motivation to continue this story and have been dealing with episodes where I don't even know if I should go on...I'm not talking about the story lolz. Anyways! I hope you have a great day and I'll try to update as soon as I can :DDD

part 5 in making

also8) thanks for the follow @RosemarieThe7th ;))))

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