A Day in Falsettoland

Start from the beginning

The group laugh again at what On Stage Trina is doing.

Sometimes I'm a lout
Mendel serenades, and Jason calms me
Why should I be wilting
When their precious love is not in doubt?
Work it out!

[JASON, spoken]
The neighbors relax after work

[Cordelia enters with food. Charlotte enters their home.]

How was your day at the hospital?

What is that smell?

Nouvelle bar mitzvah cuisine
I've been practicing
Cuisine, bar mitzvah, nouvelle

[Cordelia hands Charlotte some food.

[CORDELIA, spoken]

Cordelia gasps, faking offence, "You spat it out when I left." Charlotte just shrugs and smiles.

Mendel joins Trina, now also dressed to work out.]

The group laugh again. (ah god, i feel like this is so repetitive. i'm sorry, i'll change it when i think of something)

How was your day?

It was terrible
Did you hear that Marvin's back with Whizzer?
Marvin's back with Whizzer!

"It wasn't that big of a deal, was it?" Whizzer asks. Trina pretends not to hear him.

Drop it, sweetheart
Give it up
You know I love you
What's the matter, Trina darling?
I don't get it
Why can't you let go?

Maybe in a mile, I'll be okay
I'll be happy when we finally have this bar mitzvah

Isn't it enough
I want you every night?

[TRINA, spoken]

Every other night?

[TRINA, spoken]

Every third night?

[Trina laughs]

[MENDEL, spoken]
Okay, let's drop it

Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright

Everything will be alright

[Cordelia has just poured Charlotte a martini.]

How was your day
At the hospital?

It was wonderful
For the first time in months
Nobody died

Jade laughed. (that's actually pretty impressive tho,, for no one to die in the entire hospital 👏🏽)

[CORDELIA, spoken]

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