I promise to protect you

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Me and Kayo arrived at our home and we stop in front of the door scared to go inside the house because once we step foot in the house mom would instantly drag Kayo to the shed.

"We're home," Kayo said turning the knob on the door and opening it.

"Y/N go for a walk," our mom said as we entered the house.

I looked at Kayo and then at mom and slowly nodded my head at her obeying and turned around leaving them in the house alone which probably isn't the best idea considering I should protect Kayo.

I went for a walk around the neighbourhood and I started wandering away from our neighbourhood as I wander to the streets.

I wander around the streets for a while until I wander upon a store.

"I guess I could get some groceries for home..." I muttered as I looked at the entrance to the store.

I walked into the store and got a few weird looks from people but I shrugged it off and continued walking and grabbed a basket and walked around the aisle and grabbed the things we needed for at home.

I continued walking around the aisle until I heard crying coming from nearby.

I walked towards the crying and it became more louder and clear as I continued walking towards it.

I stopped in my tracks as I found the source of where the crying was coming from.

The crying was coming from a little girl who was standing in the center of the store, she looked like she was lost.

I approached the little girl slowly as not to frighten her and make her cry even more.

I slowly crouched in front of the little girl and stared at her with kind gentle eyes and a warm smile.

"Are you okay little girl?" I asked her softly as she looked at me and stopped crying a little.

"N-No... I l-l-lost my f-f-family..." the little girl said as she continued to cry stuttering a bit.

"Oh...I see" I said trying to come up with an idea to help.

"I could help her find her family... Yeah, let's do that!" I thought to myself.

"Do you want help finding them?" I asked the little girl.

"Mhm..." The little girl hummed nodding her head at me.

"Okay, first let's wipe those tears of yours," I said using my hand to wipe her tears away.

After I wiped her tears away I stood up and held out a hand to her waiting for her to take it.

"Well? Let's go find them!" I said giving her one of my rare smiles as she took my hand.

"Thank you, miss!" she said smiling up at me as we began to walk around looking for her family.

"Your welcome little girl," I said smiling back down at her.

We walked around the store for a while looking for her family and to see if she recognized anyone.

"That's them there!" The little girl said pointing to a family of three who looked worried.

"You got to be kidding me..." I thought to myself as I spotted Kenya with two worried adults.

"Mommy! Daddy! Big brother!" The little girl shouted to the family across the aisle while still holding onto my hand.

"Darling! There you are! Never run off like that again!" The little girl's mother shouted running over to us with a worried expression on her face.

Kayo's twin sister and Kenya's promiseWhere stories live. Discover now