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"It's cold out here," I said shivering as we were currently outside watching students race each other.

"Should have worn your gloves today " Kayo said not even sounding sorry.

"Shut up..." I mumbled under my breath as I blew on my hand and then rubbed them together to try to warm them up.

"Hey! Kayo! Are you going to cheer on your boyfriend or what!" Misato yelled at her laughing a little.

"You better not suck, got that?" My sister asked Satoru.

"Yeah," Satoru said giving her a nod.

"God...when will she leave us alone" I groaned.

"Probably never," My sister said bluntly.

"Jeez well aren't you bright," I said rolling my eyes at her and sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Kayo said sighing.

"Not my fault" I shot back, glaring at her.

Kayo said nothing and looked over to Satoru who was racing Hamada and watched as Satoru let Hamada win the race and Kayo looked away disappointed that Satoru lied to her.


Kayo's POV

"Y/N! Kayo!" Satoru said approaching us.

We both looked over to look at Satoru who was approaching us and waving as he stopped in front of us.

"What do you want blueberry head?" Y/N said giving Satoru a slight glare as she stood in front of me

"I wanted to invite you guys to my birthday!" Satoru said handing us two invitations while smiling.

We both took the invitations from his hand and looked at the invitations and looked at it and it read 'March 2' which both left us shocked as that was the same day as our birthday.

"Will there be others there?" Kayo asked looking back up at Satoru.

"I don't know yet but I wanted you guys to be the first to receive the invitations," Satoru said smiling at us.

"Why are you being so nice to us?" I asked him confused.

"I decided to be honest with you guys," Satoru said admitting the truth to us.

This left both of us shocked at his words and then there was an awkward silence between the three of us and we didn't move an inch from the spots where we were standing and me and Y/N  looked Satoru in the eyes and he was frozen in shock as his words also surprised him.

"So...uh...see you at the party?" Satoru asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck trying to break the awkward tension in the air between all of us

I realized the time and how late it was getting and if we didn't get home soon mom would be furious, I grabbed Y/N's hand and dragged her behind me as I ran at a fast pace so we could get home quicker.

"H-Hey! Wait!" Satoru said watching us run away and into the direction of our home.

{~Flashback end~}


"That was a shame..." I said sighing as I walked back towards the school.

"And here he said he was going to be honest," I said sighing disappointedly.

"True," Kayo said catching up to me.

Kayo's twin sister and Kenya's promiseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum