Day Out With The Girls! (And Y/N)

Start from the beginning


Keila: And I just know it's gonna last.

(Y/N) couldn't believe what (she/he/they) just heard. They fought when they first met? It was crazy and it proves that first impressions aren't always gonna predict what that relationship will be like.

Y/N: You love him a lot, don't you?

Keila: More than anything.

Amy: Oh god, you're making me feel single!

Keila: Get with Shadow.

Amy: W-what!?

Y/N: Who's Shadow?

Keila: A rival of Sonic. He says he's the ultimate lifeform.

Amy: I-I don't know what you're talking about!

Keila: Please, you do a terrible job at hiding your messages with him. Having "Edgy Emo" as his name makes it obvious.

Amy blushed heavily with (Y/N) laughing at Amy and Sticks being a bit confused. Suddenly, Keila's phone ring. She mutters a curse word under her breath and checks her phone before she realizes it's a good friend.

Keila: Carmen's calling!

Amy: Answer!

Keila: Okay! *Answers* Carmen!

Carmen: Hey!

Keila: Oh (Y/N). This is Carmen, Sonic's sister.

Carmen: Hi! I'm Carmen, the baddest bitch around.

Keila: We beg to differ.

Carmen: Hey!

Y/N: Hey Carmen, I'm (Y/N). I didn't know Sonic had a sister.

Carmen: I'm actually his cousin but we say we're siblings. He does have a triplet sister and brother tho.

Y/N: Wait what?

Keila: Yeah! They should visit soon.

Carmen: Don't worry, I'm visiting soon!

Keila: Sonic will not be looking forward to it.

Carmen: I don't care. Now (Y/N), tell me about yourself!

Y/N: Just someone trying to live life.

Amy: More like Tails' future partner.

Carmen: Really?! Details this instant!

Y/N: Oh my gosh! Who knows if he even likes me like that!

Keila: Blushes around you, constantly compliments you, gives you gifts and is always trying to find reasons to hang out. You sure he doesn't like you like that?


Y/N: What?

Keila: Me and Sonic were really oblivious to how we felt and it pissed everyone off because it was so obvious.

Amy: Don't you dare make us go through that again.

Y/N: Okay! I won't!

Sticks: You must confess to him before he gets taken away!

Y/N: Nope! Absolutely not!

Amy: Oh god, it is becoming like Sonic and Keila!

Carmen: Pass the phone to them right now! I wanna talk!

Keila proceeds to pass the phone to (Y/N).

Carmen: Before I start, what are your pronouns?

Y/N: (Your Pronouns).

Carmen: Okay, thank you! Now, let's get something straight. You like him right?

Y/N: I think it's becoming more than that.

Carmen: Okay and he seems to like you too, right?

Y/N: I guess-

Carmen: That settles it! Look, if you never go for what you're able to get in life then you'll get nowhere because you're just sitting around waiting for something to happen! There are certain things you have to take action if you want it. Tails is in your reach! Don't just wait around if he's right there! Just go for it and take a damn leap of faith!

Keila: I'm gonna ask which movies and shows you got that from.

Carmen: Shut up Keila, you're gonna ruin it! Point is, take your shot and if you miss, it's gonna hurt but you'll get over it. I think you'll get the shot from what I've heard.

(Y/N) thought about it. Did he really like (her/him/them) as they said he does? Will he accept (her/his/their) confession if (she/he/they) tells them how they feel?

Carmen: Okay, I gotta head out so bye!

Everyone else: Bye Carmen!

Keila: So what's next?

Amy: Spa!

Keila: Oh dear.

The rest of day was full of wacky and fun moments, and I was sure I have never had this much fun. Eventually, the day ended, and we all went our separate ways. As I went on my way home, I couldn't help but wonder if Tails really does love me the way I love him? Well...

Only one way to find out...

FINALLY, AFTER MONTHS, I FINALLY FINISHED THIS! I at first intended to make yall wait until the end of the book to get with Tails but I had no ideas and so I decided that I'll just do it now (Your welcome btw). Ik this is cringe and short but hoped you enjoyed.


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