"You saved me from falling earlier, so it's necessary for me to know your name and befriend you," The girl added not taking her hand away from him.

"It's not actually necessary for you to do that, we were bumping into each other so it's right that I caught you before you could hit the ground, no need to befriend me," The guy countered still not giving his name nor taking her hand to shake.

"Nope, you're going to tell me your name whether you like it or not," Angela retaliated forcefully taking his hand and looked at him straight in the eyes, he was about to refuse again but she beat him to it.

"I don't take no for an answer," Angela quickly said leaving the guy with no choice, he let out a low sigh before looking down at her still with the hood of his hoodie covering his head.

"Ethan, my name is Ethan," The guy answered shaking her hand while Angela gave him a bright and wide smile showing her gums finally hearing his name.

"Nice to meet you Ethan," Angela said looking at him with a smile, Ethan just gave a nod before taking his hand back into the pocket of his hoodie.

"You don't have anything else to say?" Ethan asked not looking at her.

"Hmm I think yes, why?" Angela answered and asked.

"I'll go now," Ethan said and quickly walked away leaving Angela alone standing there at her place not even given a chance to think of a question she could possibly ask to get to know him more.

"Ahh! I didn't get his number!" The girl exclaimed and stumped her feet on the ground already sulking forgetting that one thing that could get her to know him more, she thought of something but then...

"CUT! That was good Mina-ssi! Chaeyoung-ssi!" The director yelled after finishing the second scene of the movie for today.

Both Mina and Chaeyoung walked to the director who greeted both of them with a warm hug and gave compliments by how good their acting was.

"That eye locking scene is really great you two, it looked like you two were really mesmerized by one another, if I wasn't directing this I would've thought you two were in love," The director said smiling at the two who were given small hot packs to hold to help them warm up — but the director didn't know that that "eye locking" scene was really the both of them looking into each other's eyes carefully observing one another, and Mina swore she saw something else in Chaeyoung's eyes when she was observing him, she saw a different shimmer in his eyes that she didn't get to point out quite well but is familiar to her.

"You can take a rest inside the tent before getting prepped up for the next scene," The director said as the two nodded and bowed to him before walking together inside the tent.

"Oh there's only one chair here, I'll just get one more for awhile," The staff that ushered them inside said before going out the tent leaving the two inside.

"You can take this seat Azai," Mina said offering the chair to Chaeyoung who turned his head to look at her.

"It's not actually necessary for you to do that Angela," Chaeyoung jokingly said earning an eye roll from Mina with a light giggle following.

"No, but seriously you don't have to do that, you take that seat and I'll just wait for the other one, you need that more you've been standing out there for hours, " Chaeyoung said smiling at the girl whose heart felt warm with the guys care and how the way his eyes shows the same look she saw earlier when they were filming, she smiled at the guy before lowering her head a little trying to hide her blush and sat on the chair.

While Mina sat there on the chair, the racer was just standing there with the hot pack in his hold warming his hands up a little while his coat was draped over his shoulder adding to the warmth his feeling.

"Here's the chair Mr. Azai," The same staff said entering the tent with a chair, when the racer saw her entering he immediately went close to her and politely took the chair from her before bowing thanking her with a smile.

After getting the chair from staff who went out again, Chaeyoung sat down the chair and rested his back on it before taking a short at Mina who he noticed was shivering a little, he thought the hot pack and her jacker wasn't enough to warm her up, so he stood up and took off his coat and walked to Mina, upon reaching her he handed his coat in front of her that made Mina look up from her hands to the racer with a confused expression.

"Stand up," Chaeyoung simply said looking down at her.

"Why?" Mina asked confusion written all over her face.

"Your shivering," The racer simply answered still looking at her, he was right, she was shivering from the cold wind and she didn't wanna argue and refuse his offer, so she stood up and waited for a move from Chaeyoung.

When she stood up Chaeyoung carefully put his coat over Mina's shoulders and fixed it on her making sure she was comfortable, after fixing his coat on her, the racer moved his hands reaching for Mina's hair that was tucked under his coat that was on her and freed it out along with fixing her hairs that was on the front, tucking them behind her ear before his eyes met Mina's eyes looking back at him softly, he showed her a soft and small smile before letting her seat back down on her chair, he kneeled down in front of Mina, both of them still silent while the actress was just watching his every move along with feeling the fast beating of her heart with every careful and gentle gestures that the racer was doing to her, she can still see that same look on his eyes, that dark brown eyes looking at her with the utmost softness in his eyes while looking at her, she could feel everything in her giving up with just looking into his eyes, it's like his eyes were pulling her close to him like a magnet, she felt every bit of her falling and falling for him more slowly but surely — after kneeling in front of Mina, Chaeyoung took his hot pack and took Mina's hands placing the hot pack in them before closing them with his own, he brought his hands to his lips and blew on them before rubbing them together and took Mina's hands again giving her warmth, he kept doing that without knowing that it makes Mina's heart beat faster and faster, but he felt his own heart beating the same way as hers, he felt every bit of him falling for the actress like how she is to him, he feels it but he doesn't know what it was.

After warming Mina up, Chaeyoung stayed at his kneeling position and looked up at Mina who was already smiling at him, he returned the smile looking up at her, this was the first time both of them shared a smile like this, it was different from the smiles they have exchanged before, this one had more, more feelings? More warmth? More comfortableness? Or all of those? They don't know, but they feel it, they don't know that they're slowly falling for each other but they feel it, they don't know how each others heart was beating erratically but they feel it, they don't know anything yet but deep down they feel it.

They don't know a staff had caught that interaction and took pictures and videos quietly, they don't know they're feelings and they don't know that sweet interaction was being filmed.

Hey everyone! Chapter 23 is up!
Sorry for being gone again for days, I was supposed to make an update yesterday but I had things to do for school yesterday and I was out with my dad and my siblings so I didn't get to continue and publish this and yeah I just finished everything now and got finished this too so yeah here I am publishing it HAHAHAHAHA anyways enjoy everyone!❤️

Again I'm sorry everyone! Stay safe and take care!✨

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