Sapmaps plans

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you squint your eyes waking up. feeling something hard behind your ass. the morning wood of sapnap, seems he must have sliped out while you both slept. "sapnap, i'm going to have a shower," you mumble with a tired voice. getting up tucking sapnap back in. you walk into his on-sweet bathroom. you turn on the shower rubbing your head still half asleep, the shower fogging up the bathroom, you look in the mirror above sapnaps marble countertop sink. rubbing your eyes, feeling your face, "hm.. seems i'm growing a beard." you smile. you get into the shower half asleep and soak your hair. the sensation of the shower against your cock, making you hard, the water droplets dripping off. You start washing your hair putting your head back as you calmly wash your hair. you move onto your body, you start hearing sapnap getting up out of bed, you hear mumbling and heavy breathing, you get out of the shower and dab the towel on your face to dry it, you dry your body, and wrap the towel around you, brushing your hair and drying it with the hair dryer. you brush your teeth. "wait.." you look back at the colour of the toothbrush, "mines not oran-" you spit out your toothpaste in a panic and you wash sapnaps toothbrush and use your own. you hear a knock at the door, "hey.. y/n when will you be done.." he mumbles. "soon, don't worry." you reply slowly opening the door.

you got dressed, ready waiting for sapnap, he came down wearing a tech-wear outfit. "where are you going?" you ask. "we are going, and its to a bar." sapnap reply's. he picks you up bridal style and brings you to his table.

a few hours have gone by, sapnap ran to the bathroom completely drunk. classic. you sit there on your phone drinking a sprite, as you see sapnap in the reflection of your phone, "oh hey" you say happily, sapnap sits next to you.. he looks awfully angry. "Why are you so moody? Who pissed in your cornflakes?" I asked with a quiet laugh. "I dont know y/n, maybe because its 12 in the fucking morning and im stuck in a bar with you of all people." he said. "I'm literally perfect, I don't know why you are complaining" I sarcastically responded. " its not that bad, school calm your shit." i stated. Im fucking pissed too but im not showing it as much as him. The only reason we are here is because of dream. Dream wanted to  watch George and have sapnap there with him.  sapnap wanted to prank him his  with like a million of those confetti pieces. I don't know why, he's pretty strange but I didn't ask questions. However he wanted help so he asked me and sapnap to come with him.

you passed out, wakeing up to george playing with your hair and laying across sapnap and dream and badboyhalo taking care of you, "huh.. what's going on..?" you sleepily asked. "oh y/n! you fell asleep! its 4am, where at my house, sapnap dream and george where very naughty having that many drinks. i just had to drive there and take you home, although.. " bad paused. "hold on, wheres skeppy..?" he asked. "right fucking  here!" skeppy walks in with a cup of tea for you, he hands it to you. you take a sip "this is perfect! how did you know?" skeppy winks "i have my ways" he chuckles. "oi! skeppyyy! thats no fair!" bad whines out. "i have collage in a few hours.." you say, worried about the day, bad sighs "sapnap is drunk too.. i guess he's going to have to go in. theres no way he can miss school." bad replied putting his hand on his chin. "i better go get ready!"

I put my clothes on and went downstairs. I wasn't worried about my books, they where at school already I sapnaps keys and hopped in his car. I got to dreams house in about 5 minutes, bad and him don't live very far apart. His mim was waiting for me on his front step. they walked up to my car and got in the passenger seat. "Hey" they quietly said. "Can you give me bads address?" she asked "Uh yeah it's (whatever tf you want it to be bae) " i said. "Thanks" i drove her to bads house, and i let her out the passenger side.

"badd i'm back dreams mother is here to help you!" they both start chatting a bit while sapnap starts waking up, squirming a lot, "whats wrong..?"I sat on the floor scrolling through twitter while dream did whatever the fuck he was doing. " Can you please go to the bathroom with me? I don't want to go alone." I heard sapnap say to dream . " no i'm busy just ask y/n he will ho go" he responded. "Absolutely not" he said back. "Im right fucking here you know, i can hear you" i said slightly irritated. " yes i do know that, i just dont give a shit." the brunette said. " well i'm going to the bathroom with or without you." i got up and left. I could hear him walking behind me. "Decided to stop being an ass yet?" I sarcastically asked. "Fuck off". "y/n i'm sorry okay? can you go with me.." he asked. "yeah, sure just stop being so fucking moody sap. your being a absolute dick." you replied, sick of his bull shit.

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