Where are you now..?

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~body shaming
~eating disorder

Time skip: 3 months, December 20th 2020
(Nobody's pov:)
Sapnap let out a breath of defeat as he was once again killed in a game of Minecraft Manhunt match between Dream, George, and Bad. He threw his head back, groaning out of frustration, he just needed to kill Dream so his team could win, but even that seemed difficult to do with the green blocked male towering himself block by block. His eyes scanned the chat to see his fans also frustrated but cheering him and or Dream on..

"Let's go!" Dream yelled causing his microphone to peak. The rest of the boys let out noises in defeat as they lost another round. "How long have we been at this for?" Nick asked, as he tried using his bow and arrows on Dream who was busy fighting the Ender Dragon. "Just- enough- YES!" He screamed once he managed to kill off the mob. Nick couldn't help but roll his eyes, already predicting the male's win. "God damnit!" Sapnap yelled which was later followed by Bad's "Language! Sapnap!" the group congratulated Dream on his victory.

"This was a good stream. Guys." Dream said, as the end of the stream came to a halt. "That's because you won, muffin head." Bad nagged, clearly distressed. Dream only chuckled it off and sighed happily. "You guys just suck at beating me, I'm too good." "Alright no need to blow smoke up your own ass." George spoke, also a bit ticked off at the loss of him and his teammates.

The brown haired male checked him phone, seeing twitter posts and spams from his friends and fans.

"When is the next RP stream happening?" Bad spoke up, "Probably tomorrow or the day after- whenever Tommy and the rest of them are free honestly." Dream answered followed by Bad and George's occasional comments on the RP Scripts. Nick scrolled through the replies and tags on his latest Twitter feed only to be presented with negative responses. He dove in more, thinking it was from how he fucked up the gameplay this stream but no, as his thumb glided up the screen, scrolling down through tweets, he saw many that made his heart sink.

@user4572 : Bruh Sapnap is so fucking fat does this guy EVER eat a salad?😭

>reply to @user4572 by @sallynotfound: IKR LIKE ALL THIS MAN TALKS ABOUT IS FOOD!!! kinda embarrassing 😳lolol

_: He should take care of all that fucking acne, its so fucking gross.

He tapped off the tweet scrolling down to get it off his mind but it was no use...He stumbled upon many more tweets..

@jackiiiiuu : Sapnap shouldn't be part of The Dream Team.

@terriona : Sapnap is ugly yall idk what the fans be simping over.😭💀


Tweets about his weight and appearance made him frown..a lump in his throat as his eyes began to burn. His stomach growled lowly as he checked the time, it was half past 4. Hunger washed over him silently as he realized he hadn't had lunch. When did he eat breakfast again? His cats crawled from under the bed waking up from their long naps. Lazily crawling over to his feet, letting out small cries indicating they were starving and wanted food.

Nick turned back to the discord call, unmuting himself. "Hey, guys I gotta head out, the cats are hungry." He explained getting ready to leave the call. The rest of the boys said their goodbyes as Sapnap left the call. He got up and left to his kitchen the three felines and one pup trailing behind him for food.

my beloved <3 (sapnap x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now