Rokudo Yukihira

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Name: Rokudo Yukihira

Age: 16

Height: 5ft

Hair color: Red

Eye color: One red and one yellow

Personality: Abrasive, hot-blooded, and stubborn, often times impulsive and quick to lash out

Likes: Cooking, his brother, his father, handing around with the members of the ten secretly

Dislikes: Getting caught with the ten, his annemia

Specialty: Really can cook anything

Crush: Terunori Kuga

Family: Soma Yukihira (Twin brother), Jōichirō Yukihira (Dad), Tamako Yukihira (Dead mom)

Friends: Everyone at Kyosuke, all the members of the ten, his brother

Backstory: Is Soma's twin brother so it makes sense he has good cooking skills, but its one thing the separates the two's skill. Rokudo has a disease that makes him unable to perform for too long and is usually out sick. Now he goes to Totsuke and is mostly at the dorm resting and not at class.

Favorite type of food: Chinese

Least favorite type of food: Any flipping vegetable

Favorite drink: Soda

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