~it's not your fault~

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The next morning I woke up lying on her chest with her thick quilt over the both of us. I could hear her calm heartbeat and feel her warm skin against my chin. I was still really tired and exhausted from last night. My eyes were heavy and didn't want to open completely so I just stayed there, continuing to listen to her heartbeat. After a few minutes she started to wake up as well. I wondered what the time could be? I moved away from her and laid my head on the pillow besides. I saw her eyes opening and she rolled over to face me. "Come back here" she said with her morning voice. I still got all speechless by hearing it.

I didn't say anything instead I just laid myself back on her chest and placed my hand underneath her boobs and as I accidentally touched her bare boob and that was when I realised we were still basically completely naked underneath the quilt. She then suddenly grabbed my hand under the quilt and placed it on her own boob and held her hand over mine. I looked up at her from her chest as I met her beautiful eyes looking into mine. She smiled at me as she kissed my forehead and put her other arm around me and held me tight.

After a moment of just laying there naked in her bed, cuddling. I started to think about what happened last night. Not only the spice I experienced but what happened before that...

I sat myself up, covering my bare body with a part of the quilt and faced Julia. "We should get up and speak to Elizabeth" I said to her. "I like your morning voice" she then said instead of answering my question but I got that cause my voice sounded pretty deep.

I started to make my way out of the bed, still covering my naked body with the quilt when she grabbed my arm "I didn't allow you to go up" she said and dragged me back a bit. "Julia we really need to get up" I said as I sounded serious to make her listen but she didn't fall for that one. Instead she pulled me even closer to her and I lost the grip of the quilt as my naked body was in full view for her. A smirk appeared on her face and she looked me up and down.

I got out of her grip and grabbed my shirt that was on the floor and got dressed in it. She rolled her eyes at me and looked kind of disappointed in me but I really needed to get James out of the house. "Come on now" I said as I kept getting dressed but she only rolled her eyes over again. "We need to talk to Elizabeth about James" I kept saying. "Why do you care so much about him?" she suddenly asked me. "Just...because yesterday"

"I said it was nothing, why don't you believe me?"

"I just need him out of the house!" I almost yelled, I didn't mean to but I was stressed. She was shocked by my sudden anger. "And why exactly do you need that!" she yelled back at me. I just understood what situation I put myself in "Just...forget it. I'm going" I said and walked with definite steps out of her office leaving her surprised by my acting.

I made my way over to the kitchen which was empty, not a single soul was there. It was way too quiet in the house for everyone to be home. Suddenly I noticed a note on the dinner table. I walked to it and red it. Good morning! Me, Carolyn and David had to leave earlier because of an emergency my brother got himself into. There's food in the fridge and we will be back in a week. Have a great day! Elizabeth.

So we wouldn't get James out first in a week!? You kidding me?

I made my way over to the fridge to have some breakfast as I didn't eat dinner last night. I made myself a toast as I loved it. I also poured up some orange juice and sat me by the table all alone. I regretted how I acted this morning towards Julia but all I needed was to get him out of the house so he wouldn't be able to hurt more people but now was that plan totally screwed.

As I finished I was about to make my way over to Julia when I met her in the hall. She had a gorgeous brown dress and matching black heels as her orange hair lit through everything. When she met my gaze she didn't seem to be happy, she was more mad at me. Like I understood why but.... "I need to pick up some medicine" she said quietly and walked away towards the front door. I took a step after her as I didn't want her to leave but it felt like I just blinked and she was gone.

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