"Normally I would stay and help," Katsumi replies as she looks back at her brown eyed teammate, "but I know that you're strong enough to beat Angel all by yourself!" She sends an encouraging smile Lucy's way, making Lucy blink her eyes a few times.

With that said, the bounty hunter turns on her heels and leaves.

A few minutes later, Katsumi finds Lyon, looking just as battered as the lightning wizard herself. He carries Racer, who is unconscious, by the back of his jacket in his hand easily. "Lyon-san!" She calls in relief, and she runs up to him.

"Kat-chan?" Lyon turns in surprise. He sees the Namikaze behind him.

"Yo! Glad to see you're alright, Lyon," She says, relief in her blue orbs.

Lyon blushes slightly at her concern for him and replies, "Likewise. We should hurry and find Gray and Sherry."

Katsumi nods her head and agrees.

As they walk, Katsumi looks at Lyon and asks with a cheeky grin, "So, Lyon. I had no idea that you stripped, too. Your teacher must've given you both really bad habits."

A red tick mark appears on the side of his head, and the ice wizard snaps, "Watch it, Katsumi!" She just smirks, unfazed by his outburst. Around them, the sun has started to set, turning the sky a deep red with hues of pink and orange.

They walk a bit more until they stop just inside the tree line. Ahead, Lyon and Katsumi could see Gray is pinning a struggling Sherry down, and Natsu and Lucy are with them, wearing matching outfits.

"You won't escape me! I swear on my life I'll avenge him!" The female pinkette promises.

"Avenge me for what, exactly?" Lyon questions as he steps forward, causing Sherry and the Fairy Tail wizards to look up in surprise. "I would've thought you had more faith in me than that."

Immense relief flashes across Gray's face as he takes in the sight of his blonde haired girlfriend, standing next to Lyon, and Lyon himself.

"Is it really you?" Sherry asks hopefully.

"Of course! He's a whole lot tougher than he looks," Gray tells her, pointing a thumb behind his shoulder at the black eyed male.

"It was a really close call," Explains the blue eyed girl, "but we managed to put just enough distance between us and the bomb. It still took everything we had to keep the blast at bay. It took us awhile to recover. And when we were on land again, Lyon and I got separated."

Lucy states, flicking her gaze from Lyon to the Namikaze, "Sounds like you two had as rough a time as we did."

Smirking at the Fire Dragon Slayer, Lyon smirks with his eyes closed as he asks teasingly, "Wow, Natsu. Where'd you find that getup?"

"Why?! You jealous?!" Natsu asks, flustered as his eyes turn to angry white triangles

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"Why?! You jealous?!" Natsu asks, flustered as his eyes turn to angry white triangles.

Lucy mumbles with a deadpan look, her hands clasped behind her back, "I seriously doubt that he is."

"Awwwe, well, I think it's rather cute that you two are wearing matching outfits!" Happy says teasingly.

"Shut it, cat!" Lucy yells at her, sounding flustered.

Sherry sighs in relief and collapses. She mutters, "Oh, my love...!" Black Smoke begins to seep our of her body.

"Whoa! What's that?!" Natsu asks.

Crouching next to her, Gray says, watching the smoke, "I told you guys she seemed like she was possessed." Within seconds, the black smoke had dissipated into the air.

Lucy mutters, "No kidding." She glances toward the beam of white light worriedly. "We're running out of time."

Gray stands up and rushes over to the blonde. He hugs her out of relief, which she returned. Gray pulls back and looks her over. "Are you alright?"

Katsumi nods, smiling up at him. "Yeah. I'll be okay." She looks to Lucy, Happy and relieved that the celestial wizard defeated Angel. Her eyes drift down to the female pinkette. Katsumi also felt relieved that Sherry was back to her normal self again, because she knows that Lyon is still alive.

Katsumi looks back toward the beam of light. They just had to get there and defeat the Oracion Seis, and fast.

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