The Big Bang

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It was Stevie's second birthday since joining Fleetwood Mac and she had never expected what was in store for her, not even in her wildest dreams.

She was guided deeper into the woods. 

Stark-naked and blindfolded. 

She felt a little embarrassed when one of them took off her knickers, but that soon went away, she felt excited, she couldn't deny it. 

She had only hoped that they had taken her clothes with her instead of just leaving them in some random patch of woods, it was clearly much more than just a picnic with nature, it was clear she was the main dish of the picnic and she felt blessed. 

Lindsey led the way pulling her gently with a lead, while the others whispered amongst one another. Stevie couldn't make out exactly what they were saying or who was even all there, to her it might as well have been chirping birds but the anticipation of potentially all her bandmates, her exes and maybe even others she knew going to whatever they liked with her, made her soaking wet. 

She gasped as she felt a slap on the ass. she thought it might be Lindsey, but, It was a smaller hand, it felt soft and she couldn't place who it was at first but it was clear the whole band was going to have their way with her and what a turn on that was as her bandmembers were all very appealing to her.

Her thoughts were broken when she got spanked again, just as rough but from a larger hand. She couldn't help but feel a slight build-up of wetness stirring as they continued to take turns slapping her ass. John was the only one out of all them who didn't do anything to her, save the occasional tug of the roughly made leash of leather but apparently he was a voyeur and liked being cucked anyway so she didn't know how much he would participate in what she thought might be a wild coke filled gangbang.

"Alright boys let her down easy we don't want her ass too raw to where she can't sit down" chuckled Lindsey as he finally gave her ass a smarting slap.

"Yes Lindsey" said one of them as they seemed to have taken the lead and tied it off.

"Where are we going?" Stevie asked her voice a little hoarse, "And why am I naked to do this?"

"We're hanging you!" joked John, his voice a little deeper than the rest so Stevie could easily tell it was him.

"As for why you're naked tha-"

"Shut it Chris!" Lindsey snapped, "You're naked because we like you this way."

It didn't seem like that was the greatest answer to give. There still didn't seem to be a point to it, although she did like the idea that it caused some sense of visual pleasure for her bandmates, she guessed this was either a joke to embarrass her or they were going to live up to their orgy rumours that had began to circulate.

Stevie would have liked to of covered her breasts a least a little bit she supposed, but her hands were tied behind her. Once again, she could hear as her bandmates whispered and laughed to one another. 

She was relieved that most of them seemed to have been more involved with getting a drink or some coke but that relief didn't last for long as two sets of hands each cupped a tit. Stevie tried to guess who the hands belonged to as the owners of the hands gasped as they discovered how pleasingly firm and smooth, they were. She tried stifling a moan and vaguely passed it off as a whimper. Then one of the pair attached their lips right on her nipples, she felt his stubble and beard on her skin and was pretty sure it was John as he sucked and sucked. 

"No John like this" Christine, who was clearly the other lectured, before she slapped her lips on the opposing nipple.

Clearly the couple had been around and intimate with others before and Stevie felt extreme pleasure from Christine's actions. She would occasionally suck on the nipple itself, then would pull slightly before letting her breast fall and bounce a little bit before sucking on it again. Sometimes she would switch it up and lick around her nipple in clockwise motions then clamp down on them again with her lips giving them a few light teasing sucks. Other times she would just drag her tongue along her nipple very slowly to where Stevie thought she had an almost abnormally long tongue.

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