This Forsaken World Chapter 31

Start from the beginning

"Any questions?" At least five people raised there hands as I did the same. Pointing at the nearest officer, a colonel by the look of him, Porter nodded.

"Sir, what do we do if we lose? Is there a rally point?" The general sighed at this.

"No fall back. If we lose, I'd advise any survivors to scatter to the winds and try to make a go of it on your own. There will be no retreat...not if you want to win back Earth. I for one will fight until the end but I can't choose for you. You have to make up your own mind." With that said the war veteran pointed to the next hand.

"General what happens if the enemy fleet gets involved?" This came from one of the flight leaders, most likely the CO of the frigate.

"If that happens our fighters and bombers will divert to engage. Anti-air will provide support fire from the surface. The frigate will continue to attack ground targets and avoid capital ship engagement." The Captain seemed unhappy with this response but said nothing more.

I noted one of the arms had lowered, most likely his question already answered and that left myself and one other. The general pointed to the other upraised arm. This was a Brigadier General, the voice feminine and full of power and authority.

"Sir, what if the enemy doesn't take the bait?" I blinked as I hadn't even considered this.

"If that happens we withdraw all elements back to this base and try to figure something else out. Hopefully it won't come to that." Finally the General pointed to me and I breathed in deeply to build my courage.

"What happens if infected attack during the operation? There are millions of them on the planet, do we have contingencies or a way of monitoring there movements?" From the amount of heads that turned towards me I realized that almost no one had thought of this possibility.

"We've got surveillance in position to make sure nothing advances on us without our knowledge. If infected do get involved we'll handle them the same way we always do, with head shots. If they hinder the battle we'll adjust accordingly. Now if that's the last question you'll each be receiving your company or division orders and assignments. We move out in two hours, dismissed and god speed." Everyone seemed to stand up all at once and I followed suit.

As I was about to head back to my company camp a Major General walked towards me and offered me a folder.

"Your orders, get your men ready." I saluted and the man returned the gesture before moving on to another company captain. Clutching the file I tried to steady my nerves and started towards the Panther Claw's.

Commander Devin Crowe

I'd called for all of the surviving fleet leaders to gather aboard the Eclipse since the briefing room was by far the largest than any other ship. It took about four hours to dock the capital ships for rearming and refueling, during which time we grabbed some food and a quick shower before meeting together.

The briefing room was different than the one aboard the Star since it was almost twice the size and instead of having a stand up podium there was a massive oval shaped table with at least fifty chairs. A number of additional couches lined the outer edges of the wall for subordinates and there was a holographic display in the middle of the table.

I was waiting impatiently for everyone to arrive, my desire to rescue Jewel evident with each passing moment, as I fidgeted uneasily. Sally took a seat to my right, Sledge to my left. The flight team resigned themselves to sitting on the benches behind us.

Finally the last of the officers arrived followed closely by the next in line to lead the fleet, Vice Admiral Evelyn Glass. The woman could be considered beautiful once where she was now groomed to be all business and military.

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