Azalea Entry #1

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Behave. Behave. Behave. Behave.

"Azalea! Move your ass!" My mother yelled and I quickened my pace. I didn't want to fall behind while the church got packed.

People pushed pass us as we tried to squeeze into the rows. I recognized most of them. Up in the front was the Minister and what could've been the Pastor. I froze a little, getting swept up in the crowd. I tried to step back but I ended up tripping on my feet and falling back. A few people kept moving but what looked to be a family of 5 stopped. I recognized them too. I was friends with their daughter. Now she's a bit-

"Dear! Are you okay?" The mother scooped me up and patted my head. "Oh my! Azalea! How long has it been? Feels like ages! How old are you now?"

I took a deep breath and made sure my ass wasn't out. "Hi Ms. Lee. It's been awhile." I bowed my head to her. "I'm 15 ma'am." I looked at the rest of her family and looked at her son. Now he was fine. He was looking back at me and....AHHH HE WINKED DAMN LORD HAVE MERCY ON MY PUSS-

"Azalea! Come sit down before lord makes you!" My mother yelled from what seems like the other side of the building. Christ.

"I actually need to use the bathroom before church starts. Do you guys know where it is?" I asked, looking at Ms. Lee

"I can show her the bathroom mother. I need to use it anyways." The son that made me weak to the knees spoke, looking between me and his mother before gesturing for me to follow him.


I followed behind him, folding my hands in front of me. He must be only a year older cause his sister is like 17 and she's the oldest. I had no idea where I was. How does one go about having sex in church?

We approached two sets of doors with symbols for boy and girl. Gross.

He looked at me and I stared back. I'm not a mind reader but I think he knew we both had intentions of fucking.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him, kissing me deep. Not like romantically deep but more of sensually. I sucked in my breath, moving my lips into our kiss. He placed his hands at my ass, making my eyes open but just settling. He lifted my leg, making it sit on his hip. He pulled away from our kiss, kissing down my neck instead. He sure knows what he's doing. I heard some footsteps and gulped. I gently pushed against his chest but I think he was too occupied nipping at my neck to notice.

Suddenly, he stopped and walked into the bathroom. I stood there awkwardly, having no idea what just happened. The footsteps neared closer before I saw my pastor turning the corner and staring at me then my neck. My eyes widened a little as I tried to quickly cover my neck but I was too late. He had already seen.

"No no it was an accident! I burned my neck-" I couldn't even come up with an excuse that made any sense. He grabbed onto my wrist tightly and dragged me back. He pulled me down the walkway, in front of everyone. I caught sight of my mother, she seemed angry. Now standing in front of everyone, I gulped, shaking my head. Someone would help me right? Someone here would tell him to let me sit.

"This young lady is a perfect example of why we can't trust our youth." The pastor spoke. "Just look at her. Covered with sinful marks. Shame on her. Do we not teach them well enough? Does church every day make them not understand?"

At this point, I was so embarrassed. I heard whispers erupt from the people, stares and glares. God couldn't save me now.

"And for this, we must cleanse her." The pastor looked at the Minister and nodded.

My eyes widened as I shook her head. "No! Please don't! I can't!" I screamed, trying to pull away from him.

I can't even remember what happened. I was struggling. People had joined in on getting me to the water. I tried pushing back but before I could even speak again, my head was forced under the water.

I gasped out for air, struggling under the water as well. I screamed, sure that it was probably silenced. The water was filling my mouth and lungs.

How do I make it stop? How do I get them away?

Feeling a tug on my hair, I was pulled up from the water. I coughed harshly, panting, trying to gain air. My hair was wet and I was almost 100% sure my makeup was dripping. I thanked god that I was soaked so that people couldn't tell I'm crying.

"Do you feel cleanse, young lady?" The pastor asked as I caught up with my breath. I noticed my mother in the crowd and man did she look pissed.

I straightened out my back and nodded. "Yes. I have no idea what came over me. I didn't leave room for Jesus and that is a punishable act. I'm happy mercy was spared upon me." I gulped. I think I really sold it. Like seriously. 'Leave room for jesus'? Who the hell am I? A middle aged woman with nothing better to do?

The pastor tapped my back twice, signaling me to take a seat. I took small steps and walked pass my mother in her seat. I even passed the hot boy that got me in this mess.

I stepped out, feeling the warm sun reaching my skin. I reached into my pocket, taking out the cigarette I stole from my mom a few weeks ago and lit it. I took a long drag and blew my smoke out. I took my phone out from my dress pocket and tapped the search bar

"How to quit church"

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