Angsty headcannons

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- Edgar and Luca have a really hard time going to sleep due to truama and thoughts running through their heads. They'll often watch movies together to try and make them sleepy.
- Edgar has a lot of nightmares which further gives him reason not to sleep.
- Edgar is a very very peaceful sleeper. He doesn't move much if at all really. He doesn't snore or make any noise. Every once in a while he'll talk in his sleep but it's not very much and hardly ever. This is assuming he doesn't have a nightmare.
- when he has a nightmare he often starts crying and will wake up panting and sometimes scream a little depending on what happened.
- Luca suffers from guilt even though it's not his fault but he thinks it is.
- Luca blames himself for things a lot.
- if someone is mad at Luca and yelling at him for things Edgar will always step in and defend him because he knows Luca Is sensitive and he doesn't need to be treated like that.
- Luca doesn't remember Edgar fully. he only has a few memories of him but not every thing.
- Edgar used to SH not much anymore because Luca convinced him to stop.
- Edgar thinks he isn't good enough a lot.
- Edgar has experienced Hysteria in some cases but hasn't in a while and doesn't wish to ever again.
- Edgar will sometimes disassociate when really stressed or hurt about something.
- Luca has learned to be incredibly patient with Edgar because he knows that pressuring him stressed him out. He waits until Edgar is Willing and ready to share something.
- Edgar worries about Luca a lot more than Luca realizes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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