Edgar headcanons (oh boy)

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- Edgar typically doesn't like being touched. Only by certain people and certain times.
- a lot of what he says sounds rude and sarcastic even though sometimes that wasn't the intention.
- he also collects dead flowers.
- he's incredibly short tempered (hmm that sounds familiar)
- not very good at communication. If he needs help with something he has a hard time spitting it out because it's embarrassing and he feels like he doesn't deserve help.
- gets embarrassed easily. Like you could make the smallest complement and he'd start blushing slightly.
- because he's short tempered sometimes he'd snap then not even a full hour later he'd realize what he did and apologize or depending on the person he'll feel bad but think they deserved it.
- he'll let Aesop and Luca play with his hair. Only in private though.
- loud noises scare him.
- he'll often paint or sketch people he likes or finds pretty. Ex. Luca (he thinks he has a very nice face despite his injury. He thinks Luca is very pretty.) Fiona, Patty, Aesop, Victor, Mary, Michiko, Joseph. (He actually thinks Joseph is stunning. Like he is so beautiful it actually hurts his head. He thought Joseph was a girl at first.)
- he never tells people that he draws them he just hides the pictures in a box under his bed because he's embarrassed by it.
- Edgar and Joseph's hair is naturally curly and super soft.
- he really likes flowers and bugs.
- he likes spiders 😳
- he's cat person.
- he doesn't know how to dance at all.
- he can't cook.
- he likes the smell of lavender.
- Edgar wants to go be they/them pronouns but he's scared of being judged so their basically a closeted non-binary.
- he's very very observant.
- Edgar height is 5'4

Idv Headcanons that I have :/Where stories live. Discover now