Seeing them again pt.1

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"Promise me that you will remember me and never become evil promise me that even if I die that you will never give up please?" My (n/n) said

I looked at her with widened eyes I smiled and pulled her into a big tight hug

"I promise with ALL of my heart...and your not going to die.." I said then hesitantly kissed her cheek

She smiled and giggled trying yo move away "hahah k-kakashi that tackles hah s-stop hehe" she said I stop and look at her

She then stopped and looked at me with her beautiful smile she put her forehead on mine I blushed more



I looked at the third confused

"Kakashi I'm s-sorry..I'm sorry but (y/n) little (n/n) is die" the third said holding back tear's

My eye widened I stopped moving but then I falled to my knees then looked up only to scream




Then I feel arms around me

The third was hugging me I looked around and see the other ninjas crying or holding back tear's trying to be strong

Some even scream like I did



I finally made it to the third I pushed open the door not caring who was in there

I huffed and puffed "KAKASHI WHAT HAS GOTTEN IN TO YOU" I looked at him he saw my tirey face😢

I said "(y/n) she she's alive she she's here third hokage she's alive and here in the village!!!!!"

His eyes widened and he stands up along with the other's "WHAT T-THATS IMPOSSIBLE...T-TAKE US TO HER" He yelled

I nodded and ran with them following me we ran to the hospital as I explained what happned and what she said

(Your pov)

"Obito obito hehe come on come on" I smiled running and holding his hand

"Hahaha (n/n) slow down" he said smiling

But then.....


"I'm so so sorry My (n/n)"


I being to cry My hero hugged me


My hero hugged me tighter I hugged him too crying into his chest him my shoulder


"My snake~" I said

He blushed "y-yes" he mumbles out

I smile and hugged him he instantly relaxed in my arms

"My snake can we PlEaSe cuddle" he blushed but nodded smiling

But then...

"(N/n) I'm...I'm sorry but your...snake he left and he-"

"No no no I want listen"

I ran out looking for My snake


I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in the hospital I turned to my left and see my cat and some others and My hero

I smiled and said " cat" he looked at me with wide eyes then crying I sit up quickly gasping "I I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU CR-" I was cut off by the third hugging me then everyone

Then they finally let go and said "B-but how are you alive a-and a kid" I looked at them a said "I...I don't know as long as I can remember I.....I'm sorry but I'm not ready to tell you but I will sometime during the chuning exams" I then smiled at them

They nodded and said "okay" the others walked out but my cat and My hero stayed

"..(n/n) have you heard of...the league"

"What league our we taking about"

"The league"

I shake my head



Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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The Immortal (Naruto boys x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang