"Yes I did, sit down." Marcel sat down. " So what's up?" Marcel asks confused on why he's in her office. " Well I have some people coming down that need some help and I was looking through everybody's status and you're the only top guard. So you will be with these guest of mine throughout their stay here."

Marcel nods his head " Okay I will get Brett as well." Anastasia shakes her no. " No you won't. They are more then capable of handling their self's so that's why I put only you on this Marcel. The only reason you're on this case is because I think there is one or two humans coming with them the others are supernatural." Anastasia looking at the papers on her desk.

Marcel fully understands now. " So your putting me to guard humans?" Anastasia looks up " Yes I am. You're top guard so you will be looking after them whenever they go out but I will mostly be with them so you won't be needed as much, you will be there if I'm not there." Marcel smiles " ok Im good wit that."

Anastasia sucks a deep breath in " Don't you ever, ever question on what I do because if you do so you will be going into the pit." Marcel nods his head " Yes I'm sorry."

"One more thing I saw the mikealsons leaving earlier during the rager. Where'd they go?" Anastasia questions. She knows where they are they took one of her SUVS. They're at a house that's a little outside of New Orleans about a 4 hour drive.

Marcel sits up" After the situation with Katherine yesterday." He saids looking at the clock which it is 4:27am. " I thought it would be best for them to leave so you can process everything. I've delt with them before whenever was peaceful and they come destroying everything. I thought it would be best." Marcel states nervously because he wasn't sure how Anastasia was going to react.

Anastasia nods her head and chuckles deeply. " I never granted you permission to send them away. I understand you thought you were doing what's was best for your King, and I appreciate that. But don't forget I'm King and what I say goes." Marcel saids "Yes I apologizes."

"Keep this under wraps Marcel nobody knows they were in New Orleans. I don't want anyone knowing they are four hours away." Marcel nods " Of course."

" The guest will be arriving later today so you may go home and get some rest before I call for later today to introduce you all." Anastasia states.

" Alright goodnight Anastasia." Marcel saids walking to the door.

"Goodnight Marcel." Anastasia states not looking from the papers on her desk.

~~With the mikealsons~~

Everyone was doing their own thing in the living room. Yet Hope was thinking about her sister.

"Do you think she's okay?" Hope said out loud to no one in particular just hoping for a response.

Everyone looks at her. They know that Hope just meet her sister for the first and if we're being honest it was completely shit. It wasn't how they hoped it'd go.

"I don't know hope, we really haven't seen her when we were there." Elijah saids. Klaus smiles at the thought of his other daughter.

" That's because she's busy, she's king or did you lot forget?" Klaus saids in a cocky tone and smirks

Hope looks at her dad , " But she's too busy for her family? That doesn't make any sense, She was avoiding us!" Hope exclaims standing up.

Hayley and everyone else is surprised but this. Hope has never felt nothing more strong about anything but her sister.

Rebekah speaks up " When we were there, I snuck away from the compound, tried to compel and vampire but our darling niece has them on vervain." Elijah snaps his head towards Rebekah.

"Why'd you try to sneak out Rebekah? You could've just left." Rebekah scoffs " She had bloody guards everywhere they wouldn't let me out." Kol sighs " Get own with it what did you find out emm?"

"Well our darling niece Anastasia as you know is King right?" Everyone rolls their eyes but nods their head. " She owns EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Before tourist can come first they have to send a letter asking for permission to enter and how long they are staying for, and at the end you sign your name agreeing that you are property of Anastasia Rose. When you are done with your visit , you have to tell Anastasia a day before you're actually before to leave, and that's if she lets you leave." Rebekah states in front of the room. " She owns the Witches, Vampires, and the Werewolf's. They bow down to every command. She has so much power that she can't be stopped and no one ever has had the guts to stop her."

Everyone is baffled. Their little girl. Really is the King.
( Not Edited )

I claim this book as mine. Please let me know if anyone is using my story.
I own my characters and plot everything else goes to the original owners.

Thank you for reading!

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