Chapter 4

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As they were all walking Hope was thinking of ways to prove that Anastasia was her twin sister.

She kept thinking what is something only they would know. Then she got it.

There was this saying that Anastasia loved and they kept saying it over and over because Anastasia always smiled and stop crying when someone said it.

They stopped saying it because it was Anastasias thing it hurts them to say it if Anastasia wasn't there. Hope stopped walking everyone notice Hope was thinking of something. " Hope baby what is it what are you thinking about?" Hayley asked.

Hope looked up at everyone and smiled. " I know there is one thing to prove Anastasia we're her family." 

" What is that luv?" Klaus asks. " Always hope and in faith." Was all Hope said that made everyone smiled.

They all rushed back to Anastasia office they didn't even bother to knock they just barged into the room. They were shocked and disgusted on what they saw.

They saw Katherine sitting on Anastasias desk with her shirt and pants off while Anastasia had her shirt off.

( Not apart of the story but Anastasia has a Male's chest and private parts. Her body is Male but in her DNA states she is female.)

Anastasia was kissing Katherine's neck and Katherine was moaning when the Mikealsons barged into the room. " Oh bloody hell you lot was going to have sex on the desk." Kol exclaims. Anastasia groans " Are you serious that fast you proof better be bloody believable it hasn't even been 10 minutes."

Elijah clears his throat " Can you please put some clothes on." Katherine starts to get up but Anastasia growls and slams her back on the desk blocking her body from view. " Get out so Katherine can get dressed."

Everyone listened because they knew they just pissed Anastasia off.

" Next time you try to get up halfway naked in front of people you will never see daylight again do you hear me?" Anastasia was pissed off truly.

Katherine knew that she nodded her head " I understand." Katherine gets dress while Anastasia leaves her shirt off and gets a drink " Come in now."

The Mikealsons heard her and walked in. They see Katherine dressed on the couch while Anastasia shirtless back was to them they could see the scars from beatings she use to get when she was younger.

Hayley had tears in her eyes all the ladies gasped silently. Klaus was furious someone had hurt his daughter, yet he understood the pain.

" Well if you're done staring at the scars can you get on with it." Anastasia snaps with her back still turned to them.

Hope walks forward a little bit but not to much because Anastasia was mad she could tell by the way her shouldering were going up and down fast. Anastasia slams her drink down, and walks out the room to a different room. Hope nevered got the art trait but reading and writing she did get. Anastasia was the one who got the art trait.

The room she walked into was her art room. Katherine cleared her throat " If I were you I'd follow her you know." Everyone followed into the room they were suprised to see how many painting she had she had almost the same amount of Klaus but he had more.

In the middle of the room was Anastasia she was painting her frustrations out like Klaus. " Well I don't have all day spit it out whatever you wanted to say." Anastasia saids Hope walks forward.

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