III. Life Force Part One

Start from the beginning


"D'you have parents?"

"Nope. When I asked Gramps, he told me they died when I was just a kid."

"Gramps... Oh yeah, the same one that taught you how to use arts?"

Rex nodded before he started talking again. "Yup. He practically raised me himself...he's not like us, though."

"Not like...?" When Rex did not respond, she spoke again. "I'm not sure I catch your drift...but this Gramps of yours sounds alright." Nia was silent for a moment; however, she asked something else after a couple of seconds. "Oh, by the way... How long have you known that Driver friend of yours? You seemed close."

"Just about two years now. Despite that, though...she still hasn't told a lot about herself. All I know is that she seems to have a problem with trusting people."

"You still trust her then?"

Rex nodded, "Of course. I think she probably just had something really bad happen to her before she met me...and I think she does trust me, even though she is still hesitant to tell me things."

"Hmm, have you ever asked?" Nia questioned, and Rex quickly nodded his head.

"I did once... She started...crying." The boy explained before he let out a sigh. "After that, I haven't dared to ask her again. I figure...that when or if she wants to tell me, she will."

Nia looked thoughtful at that, "Huh... that's actually quite respectful of you. You're alright, kid." She looked out at the cloud sea before saying something to herself. "Not that different from me."


After leaving the dream- or memory version rather- of Elysium, Regan found herself being awoken by Rex. "It's time for me to head out. I thought I'd let you know." Regan nodded before she winced at the throbbing coming from her hand. Rex looked concerned at this, and he grabbed her hand to examine it. "Again? What happened this time...?" He questioned her, but Regan shook her head.

"I don't know, but what I do know...is that I'm okay. It's just a scratch. Besides, you need to go... I'll take care of it myself, promise."

The boy almost seemed a bit hesitant to leave, but he eventually relented and let go of her hand. "Okay... See you in a bit." Regan watched as he headed down the stairs before she let out a sigh a glanced down at her hand. It was not a lethal wound but even so, it still hurt like hell. She knew that Malos had definitely been suspicious as well as worried as the cut had so suddenly formed- seemingly with no cause for it.

He had always been very good at seeing right through her, so it was difficult for her to hide things from him. Regan knew that he would figure it out eventually...but part of her still hoped that he would not. The Elf knew that it was hopeless, and she should not bother hiding it. Despite knowing that, she refused to just tell him. At the moment, she was far more concerned with keeping Rex safe.


After they managed to get the ancient-looking vessel pulled up, Regan found herself watching as it floated. "You need to get that patched up, Rega." The Driver let out a sigh as her Blade said those words.

She nodded, "I know that, Eva... Nia's most definitely a healer, so I'll see if she has any spare bandages." Regan knew that mainly because the twin rings weapon class was healer-based.

"Then do it, now."

Eva definitely was not typically the type to be so stern but whenever Regan was injured, she seemed to become much more strict. She had every right to be worried, and Regan honestly could not be more grateful for the concern. "Okay, okay..." Regan relented and went to look for Nia. Luckily, or unluckily in a sense, for her, she found the Gormotti girl standing next to Jin and Pyra.

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