Enough is enough

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I walked through the circle holding Thors hand in my own, lokis face was sour and snake like.
We walked into the living room where I pushed Thor back onto the sofa sitting on his lap, I felt bad that I was using him for revenge but he'd understand.
I continued to kiss his lips and his neck whilst his broad hands held my waist safely in place.
As my hand found their way into his gorgeous blonde hair they were ripped away by an angry loki.

I got up off of Thor to turn around to Confront loki but the whole compound was now watching us.
" Just another tart so it seems" he sucked his cheeks in laughing.

I pushed his chest so he stumbled backwards " You're such a dick loki".
I stormed off to my room whilst loud footsteps thundered quickly behind me.
I sped into my room attempting to shut my door in his face but he held it open with his hand.
" Out of all the people you had to go for my brother".
He sounded hurt but so was I and I wasn't going to allow him to hurt me any further.

" And you picked someone you've known for all of 2 hours" I walked up to my desk pulling out my piercings and taking off jewellery whilst he stayed at the door.

" You don't get to kiss other people y/n!"

I turned and laughed at his audacity before walking up to him hitting my finger in his chest.
" Don't you ever tell me what I can and can't do, I'm not just one of your other women who will bend to your every will"
I pushed him until his body was out of my room.
" Don't talk to me until you've figured out what it is you want from me you coward".

I slammed the door in his face and let out a frustrated groan.
Giving myself a few breathes I got myself to calm down before wiping my makeup off and slipping my dress off into some pyjamas.
I laid awake most of the night angry with a few rogue tears falling down my cheek, I wasn't sad about what had happened but it was so exhausting being near loki.

I finally fell asleep for a few hours before startling myself awake with an alarm I didn't even know was set.
My mind unfogged and I started to question the dream I had just had.
Really? No self control y/n.

It had been of loki and myself taking part in angry sex but my mind still hadn't been changed from last night, he was in the wrong.. he has to fix this.

I rolled out of bed throwing on some jeans and a booby top before walking down to the kitchen ready for a coffee.
Steve and Sam both sat at the table drinking their coffee and eating porridge whilst talking about someone they wanted to find, a friend maybe.
I walked up to Steve and apologised profusely.

" Steve, I'm so sorry for ruining your birthday it was childish" I rubbed my temple and shook my head with personal loathing.

" its okay y/n, it was quite fun to watch" he smiled making me feel comfortable to smile again.

We all sat around the table talking and they told me that they were looking for an old friend of steves called bucky but they had no luck so far.
I told them I'd help if they needed me to and they thanked me before our attention was dragged to the stairs, walking down them was Loki and Sharon in his shirt.
I felt my heart drop in my stomach and my eyes were ready to cry at any moment.

" y/n, you ok? Sam reached out for my hand on the table bringing my attention back to him.

" sure" my eyes left him again as loki walked up to the table with Sharon to speak to me.

" y/n-" He began to speak but I cut him off.

" you're joking right, piss off loki. I haven't changed my mind you pig" my stare was sharp as I looked between the two.

They walked away into the living room where Sharon cuddled up to lokis side like a pet.

" Hey, wanna get something to eat? Take your mind off of them?" Sam asked smiling to try and change my mood.

No not really  I thought to myself.
" um yeah that will be fun let me just get a bag" I smiled standing up and running to Natashas room instead, luckily Steve was downstairs so no chance of seeing something gross.
I knocked and walked into her room, she was sat listening to music in her bed whilst she typed on her laptop.

" Loki slept with Sharon" i paced around her room as she threw her laptop to the side to come and hug me.

" are you okay?" She gave my back a stroke before pulling away to look at my face.

" yes I am.. I just need to know if you think hanging out with Sam would be bad?" I bit my lip unsure.

" yeah but I'd definitely not lead him on, he acts tough but he's really soft yeah" .

I thanked her before running to my room to grab a bag and my purse then meeting Sam in the car part downstairs.
He drove us to a cute café on his motorbike which was crazy, it felt so freeing like how the Asgardians hoovering platforms used to feel like.
We sat down and talked a while about loki before I brought up a proposition.

" Sam, I'm going to say something and stop me if I'm wrong but do you have a bit of a thing for me?" I cringed hoping I didn't just make a fool out of myself.

" you are right" he looked down unsure if his answer was what I wanted to hear.

" great now what I'm going to say next is going to sound dodgy but stay with me".
He nodded ready to hear the crazy.

" I really would like to make loki pay for his actions and was hoping you'd help.."

His eyebrows shot up curious on how we'd hurt loki.
" go on".

" we pretend to date, make him realise what he's missing?" I smiled awkwardly hoping for a good response.

He waited thinking about it for a minute before his mouth curved into a smirk.
" deal".


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