Chapter 29: First Murder

Start from the beginning

If anything, it enraged the Dark Lord even more. Furious, he spoke, "Your Lord! You don't deserve to even be in my presence, let alone call me your Lord! You disgust me! You vile filth! Crucio!" He tortured the witch for few more minutes before be stopped the spell and said, "Imperio!"

With that, he forced the women to write the lines for over half-an-hour.

Tom noticed that the lines did not only appear behind her hand, but over her whole body.

Umbridge was shaking, wailing and a bloody mess when the Dark Lord ended the spell. Blood and filth was all over her body.

Immediately, she fainted.

The Dark Lord once again revived her and pressed his boot on her hand. Tom winced, hearing more breaking noises.
With a wave of his hand, the Black Quill flies into the Dark Lord's hand, who vanishes it then.

Tilting his head, he asks quietly, "Do you know, Dolores, why are you here?"

The witch only shaked her head frantically.

Smiling nastily, he gestured Tom to come forward and said, "Remove the mask, sweet."

Quite surprised, Tom removed the mask.

Umbridge squints at him, clearly not able to see properly. Recognition crossed her features.


"Yes, me." Tom drawled.

"Wh-what? W-why? He's a M-mudblood, my Lord!" She yelled.

Suddenly, she was once again put under the Cruciatus Curse, this time more painful. He then used a blood-boiling and some other dark curses on her.

"You will respect him, Umbridge!" The Dark Lord spat.

The witch could only nod fearfully, tears and blood falling down her face.

Looking at the toad-like woman in disgust, the Lord turned towards Tom.
"Have you ever used any Dark spell, Tom?"

"No, my Lord. I only know the theory."

The Dark Lord looked happy and said, "Well, my prince, this is a perfect opportunity to teach you the spells then!"

After that, with Harry's guidance, Tom performed many different spells on the woman, ranging from slightly dark spells like a nightmare inducing one to the unforgivables.

By the end, a literal bloody mess remained of the women, and it was only Harry's magic which was keeping the women alive.

Looking at her made Tom slighly nauseous.

Also, the Dark Lord looked more and more excited as he taught Tom different spells. Yes, he was a really good Professor. It was quite clear that he was enjoying this.
But the man also started flirting with him in between the teachings!

"Now darling, you have only one Unforgivable to master. I hope you can do it?" Tom shivered at the velvety voice. Now, the man was quite literally plastered behind his back, his hands sliding up and down his arms, and whispering in his ear. He could only nod at this point.

"Hmm. You know the incantation and the wand movements right, sweet? Remember, you have to mean it. Focus on your intention, your want to kill her. Not on the hatred. It will only complicate the matter. Concentrate on your desire, darling."

Tom leveled his wand at the woman. He focused on his desire to kill her and on the magic in the air.

"Avada Kedavra"

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