As Oikawa’s song ended, he was sitting on some lucky girl’s lap which Osamu could tell effected Iwa. Guess Iwaizumi wasn’t interested in sharing, but that was a stupid reason to hold back his feelings. An eye roll came from the gray haired twins he heard Suna start his twins intro. He made fake gagging noises the whole time which made the crowd at the bar laugh. They lived for the bickering between the two.

  “Give it up for the ravishing, vixen!”

  Atsumu came out to the song Bubble Pop Electric, Osamu knew it was just his twin trying to get a reaction out of Sakusa. Which he didn’t understand why since Sakusa worked in the kitchen, yeah they had tvs with the stage showing back there, but it wasn’t the same as seeing them in person. Atsumu’s dancing was the most sexual of the group of dancers, that’s for sure. He knew how to work his body in the best ways. Osamu hated having to be around when his twin was on the stage, watching the eyes gawk as he worked the pole usually was when he would be most likely to snap at a guest. He’s gotten better over the last couple months, but he still was incredibly protective over his twin. To distract himself, he usually kept his back turned from the stage. Sometimes though, he would put on a little challenge with his twin and hop onto the bar putting on his own show, to which Iwaizumi always joined in as well. Those were nights when both of them were in really good moods, which weren’t often.

  Osamu really did enjoy outdoing his brother at any chance he got. But, at the same time he always made sure that at least one of his ears were facing the stage. If any jackass got too grabby he was the first one to pry those hands off of Atsumu. Luckily today was an easy night. No fights and the guests kept to themselves.

  After Atsumu’s dance finished, Osamu sighed with relief that it was a peaceful performance. He had completely forgotten that there was a new dancer so he was expecting the little break while the two dancers switched and prepped their next song. However, his ears were met with Suna getting on the speakers once more. Maybe OIkawa didn’t want a break? No, that wasn’t it.

  “I know you all are hot and bothered now aren’t ya? Well don’t start calming down just yet. I did tell ya we got a surprise for you all didn’t I?”

  The crowd started hollering with excitement. It wasn’t often that things were done differently at the club so they were all intrigued.

  “I need all of you to close your eyes and count down from five with me.”

  The crowd goes quiet in confusion, but from what Osamu can see, they all oblige to closing their eyes. The guests were pretty understanding of how the club wired so they knew they were in good hands and nothing bad would happen.


 The lights in the club all shut off and you could hear someone walking onto the stage.


  The spot light for the stage turned on as everyone opened their eyes. There stood this beautiful new face, wavy black hair, stunning blue eyes. On his face was a relaxed smile, much like a smooth curve at the corner of his lips. Upon gazing at the males torso, he was wearing a tight lace tank top, it left just enough to the imagination. He paired it with tight spandex shorts and garters connected to thigh high socks. The crowd was stunned with him.

  “What a treat we have for ya tonight. Please give your warmest welcomes to our newest dancer, Black Dahlia!”

  The intro finished and Suna started playing the dancer’s song of choice, a piano cover of Titanium. The crowd was going absolutely berserk over the new entertainer. The way he moved, was like watching water flow down a river. Everything was so meticulous, so thought out. It seemed as if the pole has become an extension of his own body. 

  This whole time, Osamu had been busy working so he hasn’t even noticed the dancer. Until Iwa threw some ice at him to get his attention. His gaze shifted to the stage just as “Black Dahlia” spun his body around the pole with only one leg wrapped around it. His body was arched backwards with the purest of smiles on his face. It was then, that Osamu dropped the drink he was working on. He stood there with his lips parted, his eyes were glued to the stage.

  There was a subtle laughter in front of him that shook him back to reality. Iwa stood there with quite the smug look on his face. 

  “Now you don’t get to talk shit about me when OIkawa is on stage, got it?’

  The older bartender said with a smirk and crossed arms. Osamu rolled his eyes playfully and went to grab the broom to clean his mess up. 

  The rest of the night was pretty smooth, the new dancer never came back on stage so Osamu got to focus on work for the most part. Then came closing time, the crowd made their way out and the club was once again empty besides the few workers. Suna had filled the silence with calming instrumentals to distress from work while the air started getting cool from the lack of bodies. While Osamu was wiping the bar down he noticed the group of dancers had come out, his eyes instantly traveling over to the new face. Their gazes meeting briefly, just long enough for the bartender to notice the little shimmer to those metallic blue eyes. The stage lights really didn’t begin to highlight how beautiful they were.

  “Hey Samu! We are goin’ to grab some food so don’t wait up for me okay? I’ll see ya at home.”

  Atsumu said waving a hand in front of his younger twin’s face, making his gaze shift over to the eyes of his brother. 

  “Yeah sure, ey, what’s his name?’
  The gray gray eyed twin asked, clearly infatuated with the new dancer.

  “Oh, that’s Akaashi! I’ll introduce ya tomorrow!”

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