Her First Day

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Chapter 10: -

It was the next day. Hayami was currently heading towards the boy's gym for her first day as the manager. She had a notebook and a pen in her hand. The coach had asked her to come there straight after changing into her gym clothes.

She kept a neutral face on the outside but on the inside, she was a mess.

She was breathing way more heavily than she usually did and she felt her heart beat quicken as she took each step closer towards the gym. She was also subconsciously shivering a bit and tried to calm down her nerves.

'Oh man I hate this so much. What if something goes wrong.'

As she reached the gym door, she could hear the squeaking sounds of shoes on the floor and balls slamming on the ground. She missed this.

But as soon as she was about to open the door, her hand stooped right at the handle.

'There are unknown people in there. Is it too late to turn back now? Will the coach be mad if I said no now?'

All the stuff she told herself about stepping out of her comfort zone and learning new things seemed like a cloudy dream. What was she thinking?

'Oh shut up! Didn't you decide to step out of your comfort zone and stuff. What happened to that? Guess you are not feeling brave anymore now huh.', was what her other part of the brain told her.

'I could use this time for studying instead. Why do I have to help people that I don't even know?'

Even though Hayami was desperately looking for a way to run away from this she knew deep inside that these were just excuses she was making up to prevent any sort of social interaction because she was well aware of her weaknesses.

'They won't like me anyway even if I join and that idiot will also be here. He will definitely find a way to embarrass me again.'

Hayami heavily sighed.

She was about to kick the door in frustration when she heard a girl's voice behind her.

"Umm.... you have been standing there for more than five minutes now.... just holding the door handle. Are you okay?"

Hayami realized how weird she would have looked to this girl who was watching her for the past five minutes. Good thing she didn't kick the door yet.

'She probably thinks I am a wierdo. If I run away now then I will definitely look like some sort of wierdo.'

Hayami just nodded to the girl in response and opened the gym door.

'How do I always end up finding a way to embarrass myself?'

As soon as she got in, all eyes in the gym were on her. Hayami gulped and nervously looked at the ground, subconsciously clutching the sides of her shirt and her notebook.

The was silence for a good thirty seconds in the gym and no one said anything.

'Yeah, this was a baaad idea. I knew I should have just ran away and just humiliated myself in front of that girl earlier instead of coming in here. THIS IS SO FREAKING UNCOMFORTABLE!!'

The two coaches were busy in the corner discussing something. Coach Irihata hadn't noticed Hayami come in. But he did notice the gym go silent all of a sudden.

"Oi! What are you all-", he stopped mid-sentence as he looked towards the direction in which the boys were looking.

"Oh, Ramirez, please come in.", he said in a friendly tone as he noticed her stand near the door with her head down.

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