The Offer

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Long chapter alert! I think this is the longest chapter I have written so far( with a lot of procrastination 😛). Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 9: -

School had just gotten over and the boys were now in their club room changing to get to practice.

"Yahaba-san, you seem happy today. Did something good happen?", Kindaichi asked as he took off his tie.

"Does it look like it? Well, try to guess why I am happy.", Yahaba said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"I don't know. Are you having Ikura Don when you get home today?", Kindaichi guessed.

"Maybe a girl finally agreed to go out with him!", Watari chimed in.

"Although those two things would make me happy but that is not what this is about.", he said.

"Listen up you guys!", Yahaba said raising his voice that caught the attention of everyone in the room.

Yahaba's expression turned into a very serious one as he spoke his next words.

"I heard coach Irihata talking to Mizogughi-san about getting a female manager."

Silence filled the room, Watari and Kindaichi dropped the clothes they were about to put in their lockers and the mouth of most of the boys in the room hung open.

"A-A female manager!", Watari said as his cheeks dusted pink.

"Finally!", Hanamaki said as he wiped off fake tears from his eyes.

Happiness and cheerfulness filled the gym room upon hearing this news and Yahaba stood proudly in his place with a grin plastered on his face.

"Are you sure you heard the right thing?", Iwaizumi asked Yahaba.

"Yes Iwaizumi-san! Aren't you happy?", Yahaba asked with an excited expression on his face.

"But we didn't have any since the past two years and coach Irihata turned down all the girls who tried to apply for the post of manager, saying that the team didn't need any.", Iwaizumi said putting a hand on his chin and thinking about past year's events.

"I heard from a few of my classmates that a lot of girls tried to apply for the managers post even this year but the coach turned them down. I think it's because the coach knows that they all apply only because of their crush on Oikawa-san or the other team members.", Kunimi said in a monotone voice.

Disappointment and silence filled the room upon hearing Iwaizumi's and Kunimi's words.

"You are such a party pooper Iwa-chan!", Oikawa said.

"Shut up or I will smack you.", Iwaizumi replied.

"Yahaba-san, are you sure you gave us the right news?", Kindaichi said with a dark aura surrounding him.

"Yahaba you jerk! Don't just give us hope and shatter it like this!", Hanamaki and Matsukawa said as they moved closer to him.


"I want you to be the manager of the boys' volleyball team for the duration you are not playing."


"I have seen you play before and I know that you have all the basic knowledge of the game that is required to be a manager.", coach Irihata continued.

"Also, it's kind of difficult to keep an eye on all the boys and manage all the paper work for practice matches with only two people. I hear you are at the top of your grade so if you join you will really be helping us out. It will allow us to focus all of our attention on their game.", coach Irihata smiled and spoke.

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