"Strawberry wine"

Start from the beginning

"Oo what did you find?" I said as I walked towards her.

I looked at what she had I her hands and it was two bottles of fire whiskey, one bottle of Stella Rosa 'Black' and one bottle of Vodka.

"Wait, how are we supposed to pay of this?" Pansy whispered as she walked towards us.

"What do you mean we?, WE aren't paying for anything." Daphne whispered.

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked. But she didn't answer she just walked away.

"Well I guess we'll just have to find out." Pansy said walking to Daphne.

As I got closer to the cashier I heard them talking.

"May I see you ID ma'am?"

"Yes of course." Daphne said and had started looking though her pockets.

I thought she was going to Obliviate him and knock him out if I was going to be honest but no she had pulled out a fake muggle ID, 'mh' I thought to myself 

"Here you go" She said as she gave him a soft smile. 

He took it and put it up to her face he looked at the ID then back at Daphne then the ID and back at Daphne; He did it a good 5 to 8 times before he asked which way she would be paying.

"I'll be paying cash." She said as she took two fifty dollar bills out if her wallet. 

'Who would've known a Greengrass would have muggle currency just lying around'


We had made it back to Hogwarts and now were in my dorm. 

"Hey guys I never go the chance to thank you, so thank you for taking me out of that uncomfortable situation." Daphne said as she pored wine into a cup for each of us.

"Its no big deal, honestly im glad we got the time to bond today. It was fun." I said as I took a cup from her hand.

"Yeah today was a lot of fun but tonight is going be even better, I heard that there was going to be another party tonight so I was thinking we could go." Pansy said right before she downed her wine.

I looked at her and shook my head. 

"No way am I going to another party, I have lots of homework to catch up on."

"Oh come on y/n live a little." She said as she scooted towards me.

"Look I bearly got over my hangover I don't need it to comeback." I said as a place my cup in the floor.

"Well your already drinking so I mean do you really care that much if it comes back?" Daphne says as she stands and puts her hand out so a can grab on to it.

I groan "Agh, fine ill go but if you see me and I can't even form a sentence just take me to my room and lock me in here, ok?" I said as I grabbed Daphnes hand and made my way to my closet.

"Yay ok ok, deal." They said as they walked to the door.

"Ok, so if you guys are going to attend the party you need to go get ready so go." I said pushing them out.


As I finished getting ready I hear a knock at my door, I expect it to be Daphne and Pansy but no it was Mattheo.

"Hey what are you doing here." I say as I let him in.

"Nothing I just wanted to see how you were doing, since I haven't seen you all day." He says as he lays on my bed.

"Oh yeah, well I've been fine. It's been a good day." I say as close the door and stand in between his legs.

He sits up and grips on to my hips.

"Well that's good to know." He says as he scans my room looking at things.

"Did you need anything?" I ask him as I sit down next to him.

"Oh well now that you mention it I actually did." 

Before I could answer he kissed me. 

What is up with him and always kissing my before I can even answer him.

He moves me on to him lap and I place my arms around his neck and he places hands on my back. As the kiss becomes more intense I can already tell where this is leading to. He picks me up and slowly puts my down on the bed.

He pulled away and whispers in my ear "Lets finish what we started yesterday".

He leans back in to kiss me and I start to unbutton his shirt. As his shirt falls to the ground I start undoing his belt along with his pants. 

"Fuck" I hear him mumble under his breath.

He pulls me up and starts to take my dress off. In just a swift movement I manage to slide out my dress and take off my bra. 

"Look at you so pretty." He whispered

He kissed my forehead and slowly placed kisses down my whole body until he got to my inner thighs.

"Fuck" I whispered under my breath, as he slowly started making his way back up I felt chills go down my body.

Something felt off.

"Im sorry I can't do this right now." I say as I push him away and start getting dressed again, as I do that he puts his pants back on and sits on my bed.

"Wait what? Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just not in the mood right now."

"Well you sure did look like you were in the mood." He says and he picks up his shirt and begins to button it.

"Ok well I'm not anymore." I say as I open the door for him to leave. He looks at me confused and scoffs.

"Ok whatever, just don't coming looking for me tonight."; And with that being said he was gone.

God what was wrong with me I barely even know the guy, and I'm already sleeping with him. That's a new low even for me, Why, Why am I like this. I swear something has gotten into me and I don't like it, I hate it with every bone in my body,  just like he probably hates me right now, but who cares.

-A/N- I know you guys probably hate that I haven't updated in over five months but hey I'm here now so that's all that matters. Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait but if wasn't feel free to let me know, I hope you guys have been staying safe and you guys have been fine but I'd thought I'd let you guys know that I hadn't been updated due to personal matter that I won't be getting into but yeah I'll really try to start updating more often if I can but yeah anyways Ill see you guys later and love you <33 (word count : 1717) also yes I know this chapter is sort but I felt like I needed to get something out there for the time being, I swear the next chapter with me longer, <3

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