23. Another day, Another lab

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"Okay Y/n, just do what ever it is you did again" Tony asks.

You stood in the middle of a lab. There where numerous screens and wires around you. The room was a mess. Cables and what looked like half finished designs where sitting on the desks. For the billionaire he is you half expected him to keep his place somewhat tidy by hiring cleaners or something. Tony and Bruce who you had just met looked at you while looking back at screens in front of them that projected just everything they needed to know about you physically like your bloody pressure, heart beat and vitals.

"I can't" you replied back stubbornly. "I haven't been able to use my 'enhancements' as you call them on my own terms and even if I wanted to who's to say I won't hurt anyone".

"Okay, I designed and built this lab, there are safety measures on top of safety measures. If something was to go wrong it would mostly be contained" Tony replies sharply.

"Mostly" to repeated back to Tony sarcastically while raising your eyebrows.

"Well, nobody's perfect. Except me of course" he continues in his joking tone while slowly moving around the room.

"Y/n you said you where okay with this? If you're not then its okay, we can do it another time" Steve questioned from the other side of the room.

"No, you're right its fine, I can do this" you assured everyone.

"Okay Y/n, focus. What's the emotion you tend to feel when you are able to use your powers?" Banner questioned.

"Well the first time I was worried and I guess a little bit scared and the second time just now I was angry while I was" you turn to look at Steve "screaming at Steve" while he raises his eyebrows and shuffles where he's standing.

"Well then it's obvious, you need to get angry" Tony replied.

"yeah? And how do you propose you do that, I can't just get angry, I'm not banner" you turn to look at Bruce "no offence"

"None taken" he says sarcastically.

"Easy" He continued as he moves over to a monitor and brings up footage of Bucky in White room from his time at Hydra "we do what you did last time".

"No Tony! I'm not watching this, I stopped for a reason" you stated.

"You said you where up for figuring this out" he replied back instantly.

"Yeah but not this way! Turn it off" you demanded as Bucky's screams began to emerge.

"Tony there is probably a better way-" Bruce added.

"What she can't take a little video?" He said looking at Bruce and back to you "come on, you said you where up for this"

"Tony-" Steve tried to interfere "that's enough"

You could feel yourself getting angry. You didn't want to since it's exactly what Tony wanted but the sound of Bucky's screams was hurting you so bad.

"Turn it off Tony!" You continued to say more aggressively.

"Do it yourself" he answered back.

And with that you break. The energy from the room began to disperse and began fuelling into you. Bucky's screams stopped and that's all you wanted to do but it didn't stop there. Lights and monitors where flickering when all of a sudden car alarms began to go off outside the building. You're eyes where lit up with energy and you're finger tips where racing with volts of electricity.

"Jarvis initiate backup power" Tony stated.

There was no response. Jarvis was inactive.

"Okay Y/n I think that's enough you can stop now" Banner says after moving away from the screen that is no longer powered in-front of him.

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