3. The day everything changed

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You wake up to the sun blaring into your room. Your arm was stretched out on the bed. Instead of feeling the warm of Bucky's body all you could feel is the bed sheets you had washed just a few days ago. He was gone. He never likes to wake you up in the morning but you wish he would to say goodbye. It's easier this way you tell yourself. Goodbyes are too hard especially when you don't know if it will be the last one. Lying in the bed alone you decide to visit Steve today and see how he is after last night.

Pulling yourself out of bed you washed yourself, got changed and put on your makeup. Every room you went in reminded you of Bucky and the fact he is now gone again. You sit at your dressing room table for what felt like half the morning staring at the locket he gave you just hours ago.

You sighed and closed the locked. Bucky would have want you to check on Steve so that's what you will do. You will do it for him.

You grab your bag and head out the door. Steve's apartment was a 20 minute walk from yours but you didn't mind the fresh air plus a walk would keep you busy. Walking down the cobbled streets you see women such as yourself taking lonely walks as well. It reminded you that this wasn't just a bad day for you. Most men went back to the war this morning and your heart began to ache for everyone else that felt like you did. You could feel tears forming in your eyes so you decided to take an alley way route to allow time for you to compose yourself before getting to Steve's.

It seemed colder down the alley than in the open air. It was quite and every step you took echoed off the walls making them feel like they where alive and whispering to you. An uncertain feeling suddenly emerged in your stomach, something didn't feel right. "You're nearly there" you told yourself "stop being silly" so you continued the route down the back alleys.

Just as you could begin to see the exit out of the alley you heard footsteps behind you. Sharply you turned around to see a man in a black suit wearing newly polished shoes. His face was covered by a hat he was wearing and you began to hear alarm bells ringing. You could feel you where in danger but when you turned back around there was another man dressed similarly to the last standing at the alley way opening.
By now you are panicking.

Heart pounding.
Hands shaking.
Head throbbing.

"Hello (y/n)" one of the men said.

You stood there trying to tether together a sentence "Who are you, how do you know my name" you just about managed to say.

The man blocking the exit was moving alarmingly close to you while the man in front of you laughed patronisingly as if you had just asked the stupidest question in the world.

This was it, you where preparing yourself to be mugged, raped or worse killed. All these horrifying thoughts rushed through your head. You thought about how Bucky might react when he comes home and finds out you where dead or the life you where going to lose. Marriage, kids, growing old together. All things you wont experience if these men took you life.

You didn't know what to do, all you could do was plead with them. Beg for you life or for them not to hurt you.

"Oh we aren't going to hurt you, not yet and we definitely aren't going to kill you. We have big plans for you...that's if you shape up to be what HYDRA needs you to be" one of the men said.

"What...HYDRA....who?" Was all you could manage to say before the man behind you grabbed you by the neck and covered your mouth and nose with a cloth covered in Chloroform.

Slowly you began to lose your senses. The world began to turn black and the last thing you saw before your eyes shut where two men peering over your body.

"Bucky" you whisper before passing out.

Memories of a stolen life (Bucky Barnes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now