Under the Evening Light

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On cold nights, we hold hands.

But tonight, it's different.

Instead of just my hand you hold, can you hold me?

Will you be there to hold me next year? And the year after that?

Will we share another kiss we did that night?

Will there be more of the ever flowing warmth you give me from then on?

The next day, will determine if things change or if they will stay the same.

Because tonight is when the year ends.

New year's is waiting upon us to enter, so why not enter, hand in hand, together?


Everyone, if not most, loves December or near the end of December. Since it's near Christmas and that is the holiday kids seem to favor the most. Unless you're an adult, keeping warm for the cold season is enough work but finding a gift for those close to you is another.

The holiday season can be seen with many lights, laughter in the chilly night air as you gulp down the hot coco if not cold coco considering you are outside, in the cold.

We can enjoy these feelings with family and friends after you go through hell to find the 'perfect' gifts for them.

As for our favorite blond tries to get through the last month of this year. Agastuma looks forward to next year, from what he saw from Twitter, a lot of new anime shenanigans are happening in 2021.

Though, if he wanted to get to January, he would have to get through December. The month of where all the frantic shopping happens, besides November because of the deals it holds.

Agastuma knows that giving gifts to his friends is an option, but he would feel like an asshole when he comes to the Christmas party empty handed.

Luckily, ( or unluckily, depending on who you ask) he doesn't have many friends to buy gifts for. So it couldn't be that hard right?

Well Zenitsu was wrong, trying to find the perfect gift is already hard enough, but finding out which gift to get said friend that won't make them unhappy is already hard enough then to find a gift that is within the blonde's budget.

As one of the many broke college students you may see on campus, his budget was already pretty low to begin with. Meaning he'd have to take extra shifts at the 7- eleven he works at.

Dealing with people and karens at the register is already enough for his poor heart. That little of an interaction with people gives him anxiety okay?

Keeping up with that and the upcoming exams are surely to kill him one way or another, he's surprised himself by how much he could put up with.




Finding a lover is also hard. Apparently throwing yourself at undesirable girls, asking them for their hand in marriage isn't seen as romantic more on the side of creepy.

How unfair for the blond, how else was he supposed to get girls to spend this new years with him? If you suggest talking to them like a normal person, then you're off your rockers.

Besides, who would fall for a broke college student with uneven outrageous blond hair, who's also a crybaby? (Apparently all the Agatsuma Zenitsu simps that's for sure. Yeah I see you.)

And he also majors in music, instead of majoring in a major that would for sure give him a good job and a good life like engineering. Something that would provide him money to spend on, not himself but for his future lover.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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