Chapter 9

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They rushed inside to see their mother sitting down around a table,tears came to their eyes as they saw their mother after waiting 13 years they saw their mother....

Wei ying quickly drew them into a tight bone breaking hug as they cried on their mother's shoulder

After what felt like 5 minutes Wei ying finally spoke up " I'm sorry" he said as tears fell down his cheeks "I'm sorry" he repeated again

After another 5 minutes they pulled away,Wei ying wiped the tears forming in their eyes with his hands not even caring that he was still crying himself "my two baby boys have grown" he said softly

"A-niang...." They started weeping again and was pulled into another hug.

Their reunion last 1 hour tops before they were about to leave

"Don't tell lan zhan" he sad looking down

"But a-niang,he missed you" jingyi said sadly

"I know,I know but I need some time to compose my memories before I can confront him" he continued

The twins didn't like the idea of not telling there father but they reluctantly agreed before they left

Walking back from the mountain they met with their other siblings who arived probably a while ago

"So?" A-shen asked and both were pulled into a hug

A-lee wasn't a fan of hugs but didn't mind this one,they were her brothers after all " thank you" the twins said in Union

"Ahh, enough of this sad stuff,don't you guys have stuff to do?" A-shen added

They both then remembered that they were required to check classrooms for the upcoming sessions in a week time,they quickly bowed and walked off

A-shen chuckled before catching up to his sister who was way ahead,after a while they finally reached the room at the back of the mountain

They knocked and received the ok to come in

"Hmm?" Wei ying asked the children infront of him

"We have a problem" a-shen said

"Mnn" a- lee nodded

"Oh really,what is it?" He asked confused

"On our arrival,at 'dafan' mountain,there was a moving statue" he said which his mother just looked at him unfased

"It was filled with resentful energy and had a trace of a fake stygian tiger amulet on it" a-lee continued which gained wei ying's attention

"Continue" Wei ying hummed

"There was also a faint flute playing,I think we're the only ones who heard it though" a-shen added

"So your saying,it was on purpose?" Wei ying asked

A-lee nodded "Mnn,but the person disappeared as soon as we destroyed the statue" she stated

"I shall look into it,thank you" he said

They bowed and left, leaving Wei ying in the room

He cracked a smile 'whos trying to kill me now?' he thought

Time skip,Wei ying and  the others have been in cloud recess for the past 2 months, unknown to lan wangji who was still mourning the death of his beloved....the four siblings were now training with Wei ying for the upcoming hunting event that would take place in a months time for all the clans

Every night for the past 2 months 10 minutes before hai time Wei ying sing or rather play a song ,that echoed around cloud recess,it was rather soothing for everyone and put the juniors from all the sects to sleep

In the 2 months Wei ying has been hear he finally gathered the courage to speak to lan wangji again,so one night 30 minutes after everyone went asleep he sat on the rooftop of his room and  play a certain song in hopes of the lan listening

(I'm getting in my feels༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽)

After finishing he waited 5 minutes but no one came....he was about to jump down when he heard someone say "Wei ying....." With a teary voice

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