the group of people were looking at you. "i couldn't do it without beidou's support, she really is a boss. i was lucky to get hired here and work with such a kind-hearted person, truly." you smiled towards the group, them smiling back. you noticed that beidou was looking at you, looking away. as you made eye contact with her, she gave a small smile. 

"alright, y/n and i need to go. it was nice talking to you again," beidou said after a few minutes of talking. "come on." beidou took your wrist, taking you towards the bar. "sorry i put you through that, i only noticed after a while that you seemed quite tired."

"ah, no worries! they were nice people, so it was that tiring." you said as you both reached the bar, you noticed kaeya and diluc were still there. there were two other people. one was quite loud, and clearly drunk, as the other was calm and collected.

"come on diluc~! one more, pretty please~," the hyper one said. "i'm not that drunk."

"no, i've told you multiple times venti. no more drinks." diluc said, drying clean cups. "you're going to cause chaos if i give you one more sip." venti sighed. you and beidou sat down by the bar. 

beidou started making conversation with the quiet one. "how are you rosaria? is life going well?". rosaria shrugged, "it's meh, jean is still tiring me." beidou chuckled. she then looked over at you.

"are you not gonna have a drink?" beidou asked, leaning a bit forward. you shook your head, indicating that you were not. "alright." beidou swayed her cup in circles, look down at the cup. 

you took this chance to compliment her on her suit. "you look good in the suit," beidou looked at you. "thought i'd just mention.." you mumbled, your eyes averting down. beidou smiled.

"thank you, i know i've told you, but you look amazing as well." she says while taking a sip, still looking at you. "you always do, but whatever, you know what i mean." before you could thank her kaeya came over. 

"hey y/n~" he said while throwing his shoulder over you, "long time no see, huh?" kaeya giggled.

"um, we saw each other about an hour ago." you helped kaeya sit down on the chair, noticing he was having trouble doing so. "are you drunk?"

"mmm," kaeya took a sip of his drink. "yeah." you took away the drink, giving him a cup of water. "y/n, i want my drink." you said nothing, giving the cup of alcohol to diluc. 

as the hall was becoming empty, you were with kaeya by the chandelier as he has sobered up a bit. as the last few people were leaving, beidou was walking them out, giving them a quick wave before coming back inside. 

"can everyone gather again?" beidou called. everyone went towards her. "thank you for coming, i know it's late and everyone is tired. but, i appreciate you showing up. it was great working with you all, and i hope you have a great future." beidou smiled, people gave claps. some people hung out for a bit longer, but when they were gone, beidou called names of people she wanted to talk to before they left. you were one of those people.

as you were telling kaeya to wait so you can drive him home, beidou came over to you. "hey y/n, can i talk to you?" you nodded, following beidou. "i wanted to give you something. you don't have to take it, since it's a big thing." beidou took a box out of her pocket.

you were unwrapping the red ribbon, and when you opened the box you saw a key. you were confused as to why she gave you a key. "a key?" you looked up at beidou.

"it's a key for an apartment here, i was thinking of giving it to you since you've worked so hard. also, you know you'll be working with us more often, so it's a treat for the future," beidou said, you were still trying to process. "sorry if it's too much."

"n-no, it's great. i'm just confused." you said, this is a great thing. you know your neighbourhood isn't that great anymore, so this could be something great. you chuckled to yourself "i did say earlier i'd be great to live in a place like this." after saying that you closed the box. 

you smiled at beidou, "this is amazing, thank you so much!" out of nowhere you just decided to give beidou a hug, without even asking her. she was shocked for a second, but hugged you back. "is there any way i can repay you?" you asked, as you pulled away.

"no, it's fine." beidou leaned back on the pillar. "my treat." she said as she smiled.


ooo beidou starting to get flirty? i think so ;)

tysm for the support!!

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