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the morning started with the loud ringing of a phone, not the best way of waking up.

"hey y/n!" you automatically knew who was calling.

"what is it childe? got into another fight?" a chuckle could be heard on the other side.

"nope, not this time. impressed?" his cocky voice coming out loudly out of you're phone as you put him on speaker.

"kinda. anyways, why did you call?" still stretching, trying to fully wake up you responded.

before you got a response you could hear background noise. you didn't pay much attention until you heard your name.

"can you ask y/n already?" a voice said impatiently

"ok, just wait a sec dude." 

you kept on going with your morning routine waiting for someone to talk to you.

"so, y/n? do you wanna meet up at the café across from your apartment?" childe finally spoke.

"um, sure? what time?" you were confused but didn't bother to ask.

finishing up the last touch up of your look, you notice it's almost the time you have to meet up with childe. taking the elevator, evading people's stares (bc you're hot af) you finally got into your car. taking a deep breath and driving off to the café.

the bright sun hitting your face once you got out of the parking lot, and of course traffic slapping your face once you took the first turn.

as if you weren't aware, you phone started ringing once again. 

"it's not even past 10 yet. why are you calling?" a sigh left your mouth.

"i just miss you~" again, the cocky voice spoke quite loudly.

"ok? i'm stuck in traffic, so it may take me awhile. are you okay with waiting?" 

"of course, me and my friend will wait." you could almost see the smirk on childe's face.

"friend? wha-" getting interrupted with the beep you laughed and kept driving.

bells dinging, indicating everyone someone else entered the café. a orange head of hair got your eyes immediately. 

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