Chapter 2

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The Abyss. The place full of darkness, Any person who enter this place will suffer intense pain and torture.

That is where the Abyssal Demons lived. But one of them left the Abyssal crack for a mission. Requested by the Prince of Abyss, they will follow his orders no matter what.

This happened 2 Days ago..

It is a normal time for the Demons to do their work in the Abyss. Do they actually have one? Who knows. The prince of Abyss, Dyrroth, was sitting on his throne while he was checking the other demons. The demons was either doing a duel, chatting, etc. He was also waiting for Alice, aka his step-mother to return. The Prince sighed because of his impatience.

"Argus." Dyrroth suddenly spoke.

Argus was sitting near at the magma rocks, talking to his friend Moskov. Not far away, he heard the prince said his name, He stood up to walk towards to his throne for what ever reason the Prince of Abyss wants. Argus is one of Dyrroth's guard he could trust. He used to be an Angel, but he joined the abyss almost 3 months, after taking the Demonic sword that grants him immortality.

"What is it this time?" The Fallen Angel answered.

"That's not a way to speak to a Prince." Dyrroth said in annoyance.

"Whatever." He mumbled

"Anyways, My Mother won't return today, I'll have to do the plan about attacking the Moniyan empire without her. It would be nice if you do a risky favor for me."

While Dyrroth and Argus is discussing the plan, Moskov watches them far away from distance.

"Here goes with their plan again that will never work." Moskov sighed.

"Yeah dear, I totally agree with you" Someone suddenly spoke at the Spear of quiescence.

It was Selena. One of Argus and Moskov's 'friend', but Argus doesn't get along with her.

"What the- SELENA?! What the heck are you doing here? I thought you were defending the Shadow swamp!" Moskov got startled from the Abyssal witch.

"Well, Karina and I had a small fight a while ago.." She said nervously.

"That doesn't explain why you are here." Moskov said as he rolled his eyes.

Moskov continued listening to those two Abyssal demons. He was a bit upset. He felt like there's something bad is going to happen.

"Awww, what's the matter Darling?? Are you sad that your friend leaving you?" The Abyssal witch said as she was teasing Moskov.

"Will you shut up for At least 3 minutes? And no, I am not sad. I am just worried." Moskov was getting more annoyed of her.

"Awwww tell me about it." She ignored Moskov's anger as she patted him shoulder as if she's comforting him.

"Just, ugh.. Selena. When Argus leaves this place, do you mind at least try to make sure he's going to be alright?" Moskov said in a lower voice.

"Why would I even babysit that Green neon post lamp Angel? Doesn't he has immortality to survive?" Selena seems like she doesn't even want to protect anyone, not even Argus.

"Well you have a point, but what if the idiotic Lightborns captured Argus and imprison him till one of us confront them?" Moskov answered.

Both of them went quiet for almost a minute.

"Alright fine, anything for a Handsome man like you." Selena smiled at Moskov.

Moskov was a bit flattered when Selena complimented him.

"What ever, but thanks anyways. So you will have to follow him without him suspecting , once he is finished having a discussion with the Prince."
He said before he stood up to walk away, he has other things to do anyways.

"Sir yes sir!" The abyssal witch said sarcastically while waving at Moskov a bit.

Selena stayed there for a while, once she saw Argus bowed down at the prince before walking towards the exit of the Abyss, she obviously knew he is going to leave now.

She excepted for him to go to the Shadow swamp first. A lot of elves used to lived in that place, but got destroyed because of the evil power of the Abyss. Selena and her sister Karina of course lives there. Guess he is only going there to try to invade the Lunar temple.

Selena followed Argus after a minute, she has many ways on how to protect him in the long way. She doesn't know what was the reason on why he's leaving. Because of her curiousity, she'll keep following him until she knew what was the plan all about...

Argus will now begin his mission.

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