The Final Save and The Paradise

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The Sky was getting engulfed in the orange and velvet flames. The city of Denver was now reduced to rubble.

But the cranks were flooding in the city.

"Let's finish this Teresa; I think we can reach the hangar.

"Tom........." is all that the whisper said.

Her voice was fading, Thomas knew he had to do something, or else......... he couldn't even finish thinking that.

"No!" Teresa's voice grew somewhat firm.

"Tom, the hangar is all burnt; the Berg must be in the air."

"Ok", said Thomas.

He grabbed the Fire Blower, or whatever it was called, and rushed to the top floor of the building....

"Tom! Watch out!" Teresa screamed. A crank was head towards them with something that looked like a knife.

By the look of the Crank, and the knife, Thomas instantly recognized that this was the same crank that might have eaten Janson: The Rat Man.

"RUN! Teresa, run to the top of the building! I will be there, come on get the shuck up, and run!

Teresa had no choice. She knew that the building was set with explosives. She saw the Right Arm people do it.

"Tom! The building was set with explosive s, you gotta hurry! Tom! Hurry!" Teresa said.

Thomas headed for that crank's head and busted it with the Blower thing. The crank screamed and oozed green puss. There were two more cranks headed towards Thomas. But he knew he had no time.

He hurried toward the stairs for the terrace, clutching the Fire Blower tightly.

"There the Berg's coming! We have to go somewhere high!" Teresa yelled, who was around a floor or two above Thomas. He knew that he had to use every ounce of energy he had.

Teresa reached the top and then it dawned on her.

The city was finished!

There is no way that they could be saved!

"Tom! The city is all burnt. They might have left! Teresa said to Thomas as he reached the top, gasping for cold air.

Thomas couldn't digest what Teresa had said.

"No! Teresa, that's no it, maybe they couldn't see us." He said; he just didn't want to accept that fact that they had been abandoned, and they were living the last moment of their life, before the building collapses and .........h

"No! The thought was too vague to be true", thought Thomas. He started searching for something, desperate to see at least a sign that meant that the berg was looking for them.

"Tom! Don't worry. We'll be fine" said Teresa, as she walked toward Thomas, calmly with wet eyes.

Teresa knew it, she sensed Thomas's fear, Thomas couldn't pretend anymore.

Thomas dropped the idea to look for something in the sky; his gaze was glued to Teresa.

She came closer to him, and ran her paw against his burnt, scarred cheek.

"All I ever worried was about you Tom, since the start, and see we made out so far. I have no regrets. Now let's face our fates together" said Teresa, with heavy voice.

"But before it all ends, let me tell you something Tom,

I Love You! I have always loved you.

Thomas pulled her into a tight hug, and embraced her with all that he had.

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