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Vikram's POV

Being sat in the window seat, I am enjoying my train travel. Cool weather is normal for a Shimla man, but the weather today is amazing.

 Cool weather is normal for a Shimla man, but the weather today is amazing

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 It is an amazing day as well as an amazing afternoon. I got committed to music video where I am the main singer.  After so many experiences with singing in bands and parties, I am stepping into a bigger stone.

"See, my dear son, it is the grass. Its color is green," an elderly voice said, pointing the grass on the grasslands outside.

Without turning my gaze, I wondered if he is with his grandson.

"Wow, it looks so beautiful and bushy. Green color looks so beautiful," said a youthful voice.

I turned my gaze to opposite seat and there is an elderly man of almost my father's age and a boy of my age. I wondered whether he is being sarcastic.

"That is the red color rose," said the father of him, pointing at the rose garden.

"I have smelled rose and it looks kind of allergies, but the color red is so attractive," said the son.

Not only me, but there is also a passenger who is sitting near me, looking at them. His expression tells clearly that he was annoyed with their attitude.

The passenger is looking at them while I turned to the window, but still listening to them. The father has been telling about the things they have seen like cow, traffic signal, dairy shop etc...

"Excuse me sir, can I ask you something?" asked the passenger.

I turned again and looked at them. The father of his son has nodded with a smile.

"Why are you both behaving so childish? He looks like almost 25 years old... But you're teaching him like a pre-school teacher?" Asked the passenger in a bit harsh tone.

It looked quite harsh maybe he could have asked that polite. It is an embarrassing situation, but I am also expecting an answer from them.

 It is an embarrassing situation, but I am also expecting an answer from them

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Then, the father said, "My son lost his eyesight when he was 5 years old. Due to our financial issues, we could not afford his treatment. Only today he got treatment and regained his vision. After 17 years, he sees the bright world."

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