Chapter 4

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The movie played and Keith was already scared. Pico chuckled and placed his arm on the arm rest so Keith and hold it. The intro played and the movie went on.

The crowd gasped as some parts of the movie were suspensful and scary. Keith held Pico's sleeve tight and covered his eyes.

He will have nightmares.


Pico was used to scary movies, his trauma was worse. The movie was Just about a doll.

His was a School Shooting.

Cherry gasped at the scary parts too, but wasn't as scared as Keith.

Poor Keith.


The movie was over and Keith was..


was.. shaking.

Pico covered his face to snap back to reality. Keith Just sat there.

"You alive?" Pico said.

"Oh- uh- yeah!" Keith laughed.

"It was scary." Keith whined.

"Its okay Keith. Its a movie." Pico comforted Keith.

"Why'd they make it so real?" Keith complained.

"I don't know, but movies are movies." Pico shrugged.

It was 9:27 in the evening and Cherry had to go, her parents were worried and she couldn't stay longer. Keith and Pico went back to the forest and sat down under a tree.

Keith leaned his head on Pico's shoulder and and exhaled.

"I missed you." Keith softly said.

"I missed you more." Pico said.

"But i missed you the most." Keith smiled.

"No I did." Pico said.

"Where have you been though..?" Pico said.

"I had to move.. i'm sorry for not telling you." Keith said.

It was silent for a few seconds.

"How was your day?" Keith said, just like old times.

"It was boring, but it was great when I got to see you again." Pico said.

"How was yours?" Pico asked.

"It was amazing."

"Tell me about it." Pico said.

"One of the best things today was to see you, hang out with my friends.. and more." Keith quietly said.

They stared at the night sky, the stars.. they talked about some good times, well.. mostly Keith did. About How he met Cherry, How he rap battles her dad, getting a Ginger cat and naming it Pico.

Keith really had a good time, best of all, he still remembered Pico.

"Wanna go to my place?" Keith asked.

"Sure." Pico said.

They both got up and walked to Keith's apartment. It was small, yet really comfortable. It felt homey. It was nicely decorated and he lived alone, with his cat.

Pico heard a small meow and something on his foot. He saw little Pico on him and he picked him up.

"Thats Pico Jr." Keith smiled.

"He's cute." Pico said, petting the cat. He purred.

"Wanna cook something with me?" Keith said.

Blue bird - (Pico x Keith / BF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt