"The Unexpected" (hank x Sanford) chapter 1

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(this takes place in a secret agent base that was recently discovered, whatever happens in this fanfic is completely based or made-up)


it was the middle of the deep cold night, nothing anywhere in the fair flat lands and the sky bled with red.

...somewhere in Nevada...

(Sanford's pov or no ones )

"bang!!" a large explosion came from ahead of you, the blood of agents and guns all around your feet as your partner ran along side with you, but whom?.. Hank. he was a mass murderer known to the area, you could feel his devilish blood hungry aura when you stand next too him, its exhilarating.

sadly Deimos couldn't attend this mission, for he failed his last mission terribly and fucked himself over, what mission? get the fattest jug of milk but slipped in the stupidest way, breaking his ligaments. anyways.

both ran from each room in the base, fighting off agents and tearing their souls from their bodies, as your hook dug into the corpse of a now dead agent you couldn't help the fact, the hank J. Wimbleton. dragged you in the middle of the night to an unfamiliar place and dare not to speak a word about it at all.

"uh. hank? why the hell are we on a mission in the middle of the night.. its movie night and Deimos is at home alone." you pouted, feeling bad that poor lil Deimos was home alone with no one but himself and his cast.

"sigh.. Sanford. were here because an order was sent here from an anonymous sender and we need the location to where it came from." hank seemed just as annoyed as you were, usually he doesn't partake in any of our activities but he does enjoy movie night. With a big inhale you retrieve your hook from a corpse, exhaling and following close to the edgily dressed man.

"next time don't ask on an eventful night, we were supposed to watch the my little pony movie, and you promised!" you barked at him, seeing his guard falling to the fact he might have a sweet spot. maybe that wasn't the time to lecture him either.

hank ran into the next room, the entrance sliding open, and to your no good surprise there was a mag agent, v4. and at least two A.T.P Soldats fully armed. with no hesitation hank ran to them and gunned them down, their blood splattering on his boots. you watched, amazed and going into a gay state of quiet fangirling, only for the mag agent to pick you off your feet.

"W-what the fuck??!" you questioned as its huge monstrous hands wrapped around your head then your torso, feeling it pull roughly, you couldn't help but feel like this was the end for you, your body feeling like its about to break apart. .. Then..

*BANg BANg baNG*

you felt the hands loosening and your body being freed from death, then. you falling

"a-Ah!-- wh.. huh?" there he was, your savior from death, hank. he caught you before you could hit the ground, his coat, hands, face just covered in the sweet blood of his enemies, he looked down at you, his hand that's holding you up softly placing you back on your feet. 'holy fuck..' you thought to yourself, watching him wipe his goggles off.

"can you stop being so vulnerable for fuck sakes?!" he barked at you, causing your little staring trance to fade.

"Wh-?? dude I'm literally fucking tired! I told you right after you rudely lifted my mattress off the ground while I was SLEEPING that I wasn't ready to go out!" you kindly threw sass back at him, curling your arms together to add on extra character. hank for one wasn't taking your shit.

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