Chapter 18: Jing and Magnus

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"He's asleep."

Magnus settles next to me on the couch, his eyes closing.

"I'm not surprised. He barely stopped the entire time. Your family ran him ragged."

"Well, it's good he had fun." Magnus turns his head to look at me. "He seemed to be extremely comfortable the entire time. I was worried, my family is.... Intense."

I stare as he closes his eyes again, sinking into my couch. This is the most relaxed I've seen him all day. Clearly, he was worried about our reaction to his family.

Turning so my body is facing his, I gently cup his cheek. He opens his eyes, those beautiful light tan irises meeting mine.

"Now you listen to me Magnus Bruin. Your family was quite different from what Zhen and I are used to that is true, but they were also warm, generous, welcoming, and very loving. I'm pleased we got to meet them, and they felt more like family than my own parents." I smile at him, my mask slipping once again, "Your family is different from my own, but that's a good thing. I want Zhen to know a childhood more like yours than mine, filled with laughter and fun, not business deals and lectures on proper behavior."

"Are you saying we're not proper?" Magnus gasps sarcastically, dramatically pressing his hand to his chest in mock horror.

A laugh bubbles out of me and I can feel my mask slowly start to crumble around me. Something about him brings it out of me. He's nothing like I expected when we first met.

Feeling bolder than I ever have before I swing one leg over him and settle onto his lap. His eyes widen in surprise as his hands go to my hips.

"I'm sure you can be quite improper Mister Bruin." I whisper in his ear.

His hands tighten on my hips and his breath quickens. I place slow, lazy kisses along his jaw, his scruff tickling my lips. Moving steadily, I reach his lips and he moans against my mouth.

I can feel my nerves surging, this isn't something I'm used to. I've only been with one person and that was a woman, five years ago. This, this is a man I care deeply about, my Mate. This isn't about duty or reproduction, this is about passion, desire and need.

My need.

My need for him.

Magnus begins to run his hands up and down my back.

"You drive me crazy Gorgeous. The things I want to do with you. All the time. I'm so lucky to have you as a Mate. You're more than I could have ever hoped or dreamed for."

I feel my heart flutter in my chest, the raw emotion and truth in his eyes and words fueling the urges within me.

Leaning forward I press my lips against his again, quickly deepening the kiss, letting the simmering passion I have been feeling for Magnus surge into a full out forest fire.

Magnus's hands slip under my shirt and move up towards my shoulders as I grip his hair tightly angling his head more, while our tongues battle for dominance.

His hands slowly begin to move from my shoulders, trailing down my back to my jeans. The tips of his fingers slip just inside the waistband. His lips pull away from me and he rests his forehead against mine.

"Maybe we should move this off the couch Gorgeous."

I can hear the desire in his voice. I can't even seem to voice my own, so I just nod against his forehead.

I stand slowly and take his hand in mine, pulling him up from the couch.

"Let's get you to bed, Mister Bruin."

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