𝗧𝗪𝗢: the origins of J&R

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' the origins of J&R '

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"Scammed? What makes you think that, Riki?" The older said, clearly annoyed by the two younger boys that sat in front of him with sad eyes.

"L-Look... it's a fox plushie..." The platinum blonde removed his his hand from the box, pulling out a beige coloured fox.

"Stupid idiot... did you check when you bought it-" Sunoo growled as he strutted past the pair, paying more attention to not break his toe nail for the fifth time in a row than to address the huge mess in the room.

The blonde took a moment to inspect the box. He knew that the younger wasn't that dumb enough to be trickled like this, let alone tricked with the supervision of him involved.

"You must have just got a freebie with your package." The older deadpanned, carelessly throwing the package, the plushie falling face first, causing Jungwon to touch his very own face in worry.

"What's that?" Riki stared at the brown leaflet that flew out of the box, almost as if it was purposely supposed to come out like that for dramatic effect. Scrambling over with all of the hope he still had left in him, the blonde grabbed the paper, his grasp on it still firm after catching it.

"Open it already." Sunoo said as he rolled his eyes, clearly becoming impatient after seeing the younger with his eyes closed and the paper grasped in his hand for 5 minutes straight.

"Fine." He growled, opening the brown leaflet as if it were a scroll. He cleared his throat, looking at his olders with determined eyes as he started reading the italic font.

"To Mr Nishimura... I need your help... Please save me from this man..." Tilting his head, the blonde stared blankly at the paper, questioning the sincerity of the message.

"I think they're asking for help...?" Jungwon stared at Riki's eyes, both of them agreeing on something that Sunoo couldn't quite understand properly what it was.

The next few minutes were probably the most confusing for the oldest's life. The pair that were once sitting on the floor stood up, walking towards an empty room with a box of crayons and scrap pieces of paper that was once used to make fake highlights for Sunoo's hair.

      "Oh God, why do I have to deal with them?" He sighed as he slowly followed along, leaving the room after a couple of minutes out of boredom of being the third wheel.

• • • •

"What's a good company name?" Riki said to Jungwon, swinging his arm around and latching it onto his neck, playing with the tiny strands that was still left from his previous mullet.

"Wonki's investigation centre?" The brunette tutted, clearly unimpressed with his own brain and his creativity. "That doesn't have a good ring to it..." Sighing, he rested his shoulder on the taller, watching as the clock ticked another minute away.

"What about J&R investigation specialist?" The blonde's eyes sparkled as he began to frantically walk around, planning the design of everything.

"You sure seem excited to help this man." The older giggled, ruffling the boy's hair. "Maybe even more excited than to see me everyday.." He mumbled, making sure the blonde was unable to hear him.

      "Hey, only I'm allowed to do that to you because you're shorter than me." Grabbing the wrists of Jungwon, Riki sat him down onto the rusty chair that was near him, making him listen to his long rants about the plans of their future investigation business.

      For the brunette, this was all unexpected. He wasn't expecting that by one minuscule mistake in the mail would cause him to change professions. He wasn't expecting that by his love for En-hyper 300, he would be visiting another person's house daily. He wouldn't have expected to meet a boy like Riki.

      For the brunette, life was going painfully slowly, his only past time being taking a stroll in his garden and watering his plants. And he was expecting nothing to change, just like they hadn't for almost 5 years since he moved.

      And just by one mistake and one boy, his life changed.

      "Earth to Jungwon?" The blonde giggled, his head resting the crook of neck. Fluttering open, the shorter looked around him, the sketches for the plan being completed. Most importantly, he felt the embrace of Riki, a slight blush creeping up his cheek.

       "So I'm guessing you weren't listening?" The taller slowly his arms from the brunette, feeling resistance as he felt his hands on his. He chuckled softly, placing his arms in the same place they were before.

       "I hope nothing breaks our friendship." Jungwon smiled, the word 'friendship' sounding a bit abnormal for him. It had only been a week since he first met Riki and Sunoo,  yet he felt immensely close to the younger.

      "I hope so too. But we will have to focus on the investigation as well, so don't forget that!" Catching Jungwon off guard, he pinched his cheeks, knowing that he disliked that the most.

      "YOU-" The brunette's voice came out a bit hoarse, much more than he was expecting. The taller smiled again, grabbing the sketches and running off.

      "Let's see if this time you can deal with Sunoo hyung's anger-" He giggled again, knowing that Jungwon's deepest fear was annoying Sunoo, especially when it came to disrupting his beauty sleep.

      "I love how you guys are just believing a small sheet of paper-" Sunoo chuckled as he walked past the pair, watching as the brunette stayed silent around him as the blonde slapped his back, causing the elder to groan in pain.

      "YOU LITTLE B-"

                                     • • • •

       "You little brat. Didn't I tell you not to send any messages with your last package sent?" The cloaked man said, slipping on his tight leather gloves as he circled around the feeble man. The older man trembled in fear, his hands shaking under the unbearable pressure of the ropes.

       "Well, it's fine now because soon they won't know who to trust and who to suspect after you're gone." The man chuckled darkly, his hands tracing over his arsenal. Mr Choi gulped again, his words muffled as he tried to excuse himself.

       "Goodbye Mr Choi. It's a shame your life had to end so...


• • • •


okay so this chapter is bad but anyways, hopefully the next chapter will be a bit better, also stream alcohol-free, it'll make you drunk on it till you're drunk-dazed-

that was a really bad joke but anyways, hope you enjoyed whatever this chapter was- have a good day/night wherever you are :3

━ @/ᴍɪɴᴀ

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