𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥: investigating love

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' investigating love '

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"Well, this is an interesting first start." The blonde mumbled as he widened his eyes, his pupil filling majority of the magnifying glass as he scavanged to find any clue. In contrast, with a lack of care in his leisurely actions, his counterpart seemed intrigued by the scene left behind by the traumatic scene that had occured the day before.

As amateur detectives, their newly-made scouting agent, Jay, had frantically searched for a case that could somehow boost the lack of confidence behind the duo and detail to society how they shouldn't yet get count them as social rejects, contrary to many who believed that due to the lack of positive action from the two boys.

      And luckily, well unluckily due to a death, the Head of Political Propaganda, Mr Kim Junyeon, had been shot in the head in an attempt of what seemed like a suicide. A 'reasonably easy beginning' as Jay put it as they drove off to the main crime scene, the eyes of onlookers gawking as the two, perhaps 'underdeveloped' minds, walked into the abode of the late Head.

"Just to give the brief findings at the moment, he was 56, male, was shot dead at approximately 1:30am from the forensic team. He was shot in the right side of his head and a gun was found in his right hand which led to the assumption of a suicide. Furthermore, countless documents have been signed surrounding the dispersion of his wealth and his business." Walking along side the pair of boys, the Head Police Officer, Han Hyuntae, guided them to the scene, their eyes appalled by the sheer amount of blood and dirt.

In other fields, outside work, Hyuntae was a childhood friend of Riki's. They had grown up together in the Koin District before Hyuntae moved to achieve his dream of becoming a police officer, which he inevitably got with no surprise. Riki, on the other hand, struggled to even

      "It's not a suicide." Riki bluntly stated to his counterpart, the statement catching the boy off guard as he choked on his on spit, much to the amusement of the body. "What makes you say that?" The raven-haired inquired, his pitch slightly raised in disbelief.

     By this point, Jungwon had sided with the unanimous decision of it being an suicide and had already been gathering the least of evidence since there wasn't much to prove. Furthermore, the smell of a semi-freshly dead body was not something appealing to either of them, and it was much to Riki's weakness, who practically almost choked himself on his own vomit.

      "What hand is Head Junyeon's dominant hand?" The blonde inquired to Hyuntae, his hand lingering over the vintage newspapers that adorned the windowsill, the wrinkled papers leaving a film of fine dust over his fingertips.

"He was left handed, why?" Looking up from the documents that had been spread lackadaisically across Junyeon's desk, Hyuntae quirked an eyebrow, almost fascinated that a simple question as such would be asked at a time like this. Well, it wasn't that peculiar for the blonde to ask unthought of questions, the boy practically lived off of them in his childhood, these questions always giving the answers to him in exams.

"So, if he's left handed and was on the verge of his self-caused demise, then wouldn't it be more easier to shoot himself with his dominant hand? Yes, of course it would be and thus why I conclude this a murder, not a suicide." The blonde stated, a slight snigger of confidence escaping his throat as he watched his partner stare at him dumbfounded.

      "Just one question, how does your mind think of that by just hearing information?" Hyuntae chuckled as he gently patted the blonde's back in praise, Jungwon, on the other hand, sighing softly as he continued to search for some sort of clue that he could seek praise for.

The pair continued to search until the inevitable spilt had to occur. Riki, leading with his idea of murder, was made to go find possible suspects which would align with the case. On the other end, Jungwon was made to follow up on the forensic reports, something which the raven-haired was genuinely interested despite absolutely hating the thought of a gruesome death.

"Ah, so he had alcohol in his system with antibiotics which originally caused his unfortunate death. The gunshot was done after his death, I suppose?"

"From his approximate time of death, I suppose so too. It's a shame he had to die now, his boss's campaign was doing so well and now, without Mr Kim's help, their opposition have almost an easy win up ahead." Sighing in despair, Heeseung, the lead forensic scientist, handed the raven-haired his file, watching as the boy skimmed through the pages, his eyes fixated on different parts of the text.

      "I'm envious of your handsome stare when you're concentrated. You know, I look like a confused deer whenever I even try to be focused. But anyways, let me know if you need any more help with anything, I'll be more than happy to help." Heeseung smiled, extending his arm out for a handshake. Mirroring his smile in gratitude, he shook the pink-haired's hand, his cheeks flushing a light pink after Heesung's compliment.

      "I'm sure you don't look that bad Heesung hyung. Anyways, goodbye, I hope we meet again, hopefully not due to another death." Scratching the nape of his neck, Jungwon waved a small goodbye before hastily leaving the place. He wanted to give the information to his partner as soon as possible, in hope that he won't forget or distort the information he so desperately worked to retain in his short term memory.

• • • •

      "Hyuntae, where's Riki?" Out of breath, the raven-haired's hand latched onto the taller's shoulder, hoping to catch his breath. "Inside the interrogation room. He's about to finish momentarily, so do not worry." The taller smiled as he heard the door unlatch.

       "Hyuntae, I think we've got our murderer."

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i needed to include heeseung asap so here's heeseung as a foresenic scientist bc why not :) the rest of the members shall slowly be integrated slowly, very excited to introduce the others, especially sunghoon (aka my second bias with riki :,DD)

hope you enjoyed this belated update and have a good day/night wherever you are :)

━ @/ᴍɪɴᴀ

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